Betta Vase

There stomach is much larger then their eye....check out the pics in Yeevie's thread and Joby's...just take a gander at those tummies...they are as big as a marble lol....much bigger then 1 betta bite, more like 10 lol. :lol:

With a 1/2 gallon should be changing water everyday, imo.
Chaos bringer said:
I have recently on my travels come across a betta vase. it is 3 inches in diameter 5 inches tall and has no heater or filtration

They CAN survive, but the question isn't can I, but should I.

They are cruel and should be stopped.
Everything I've read says their tummies are as big as their eye.

Not that everything on the internet is correct, but go to google and type in betta stomach.
LOL I'm 13 :) I will go in there again on Saturday, they've just got a delivery of fish so I'm going to see how many blooming 5 year old go 'Mummy, I want a fishy!!!' and their parents go 'Yes dear!' and buy one of those stupid 4.5 litre tanks and a common goldfish..... Mainly I want to wait until I'm at least the same height as most of the employees :)
BettaMomma said:
Everything I've read says their tummies are as big as their eye.
Not that everything on the internet is correct, but go to google and type in betta stomach.
propery of Joby ;)

Unless I need newer glasses :shifty: ...those tummies look alot larger then those eyes lol.
I'd say those bettas either have one hell of a severe case of constipation or they swallowed something in the tank. LOL

What IS the story with those???

they went back to normal shape about 2 hours later :whistle:

Maybe they can just have a snack tonight for tea
There's nothing wrong with them...they just got through eating is all. That is my point...they have bigger stomach then a pin prick. :thumbs:
How the heck much did they eat?
Did they eat their children? Holy cow that person should stop feeding them so much.
My gosh...
Those bellies do look a bit distended, but I could see that just after some pigging out. I usually give my bettas anywhere from 6-8 pellets a day, sometimes more as a treat, but I break it up into a few feedings so they don't get stopped up.
I give mine between 8 and 10 frozen (thawed) bloodworms twice a day....that is how their stomachs look after they eat...a few hours later it goes away. (plus babies should look like that, if I'm not mistaken)

Feeding pellets alone is enough to stop a betta up though. -_- frozen bloodworms just come right on out I feed 1/2 a pea every Sunday for good measure.

Here's another pic for you

property of Wuv

See it looks exactly the same (baby fry in this pic as well). :dunno: Personally I use their belly getting big as sign they have had enough...otherwise I don't think they are getting enough food.
Aha - I didn't realize they were babies.

Harvey had a belly like that for a few days, probably a couple of months ago or so. He had major constipation and I had to quit feeding him for several days to make it go back down.

I feed my boys just a total of 4 - 5 pellets total each day, along with a pinch of blood worms. It's funny cuz Harvey is HUGE and the other 2 guys I have are pretty sleek and slender. I was completely overfeeding Harvey and he ballooned up. I actually thought he was going to die for a while.
Well, someone please enlighten me because I read on the net or one of these forums that you should only feed bloodworms once a week because they are very fattening. Before reading that, I used to feed my betta the frozen dried bloodworms every other day, and he became very swollen, lethargic, and almost died. Now he getst hem once a week, and a pea 3 times a week, and of course his daily feeding. I thought Betta's tummies were supposed to be just slightly larger than the rest of their bodies. :dunno:
Let me say that when I say a "pinch" of bloodworms - there's probably a total of maybe 3 worms that actually get into the tank - and these worms are teeny, so they don't get a lot. That on top of the fact that usually 2 days out of the week Amos doesn't get any food (he's a work fishy) and the other 2 guys get one day's feeding off they do okay.

ps - at the time that Harvey had the bout w/constipation, he was getting only pellets. Since I've switched to giving them a tiny bit of worms (which the term blood worms makes my stomach turn :sick: ) they've not had any problems with bloated bellies!
vanvran said:
I used to feed my betta the frozen dried bloodworms every other day, and he became very swollen, lethargic, and almost died.
Frozen or dried? It has to be one or the other and I'm guessing dried,they're terrible on a bettas gut. If you use frozen you can feed several times a week.

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