You are getting nitrite because the ammonia eating bacteria are making it from the ammonia that the fish excretes. It takes longer for the nitrite eating bacteria to grow, so until you have a full colony of nitrite eaters, nitrite will build up.
Water changes are the best way to keep nitrite low. Prime detoxifies nitrite for a few hours, no more than 36 hours, then the nitrite becomes "undetoxified". Using Prime will keep nitrite 'safe' until the next water change the following day.
Once you find that nitrite is staying at zero, you can go to weekly 50% water changes.
The dose rate for Prime is for the amount of new water not the tank volume, so if you changed 2 gallons, you need 0.2 ml Prime. Adding an extra 1ml is a lot. I know that the website says you can add a 5 x dose of Prime in an emergency, but your nitrite is not high enough for a dose that big. If you must add extra, I would use no more than 0.2 ml for each gallon of new water - ie double the stated dose.
Stress is the cause of finrot, and having nitrite in the water stresses a fish.