Still not spawned. Honestly now it's Teelie being a smeg. But Kevin has been kind enough to offer some tips so fingers crossed. The nest is truly monumentous by betta standards. He's putting my big gourami male to shame right now. If they delay much longer it'll be a tower block with electricity and en suite bathrooms.
The tank's a planted 20gallon or thereabouts. Might be a shade bigger but I don't think so. I used it for raising my gourami fry in previously and happil was successful. Am accumulating suitable jars etc for males to come still. Tescos are doing these lovely glass biscuit jars of a decent size currently that are perfect for betta babes that need seperating. And they're cheap!
In the meantime it's all patience and leaving them alone. I know she's willing to spawn since she stuck her tail in the air for Ollie upon seeing him, just gotta convince her she wants Mystery now. And he is trying to coax her. Seems to be a slow business with these two. Oh well.
I dunno fish are strange sometimes! Wow that bubble nest sounds great only thing is he'll have probs keeping it in shape when the fry arrive! Cobolt did a large nest for his first spawn but after the eggs were laid he had problems keeping the nest in shape and most of the eggs he just kept at the surface of the water instead of actually in the bubbles I don't think the males have a clue at the beginning! I hope they do something soon though!
Having watched my gouramies have fry rather alot and how BB deals with his nests before during and after I'm not worried about it. Of course they have the advantge of having eggs that float rather then sink. Wonder why that is... Anyway, he tends to let them fall apart and tend to the eggs themselves in as little amount of bubbles as he can get away with so most of the original nest goes to waste. I do suspect it's mostly for display purposes really.
So saying this nest should last rather well even if Mystery left it alone for the better part of a week. I'd get a pic but Teelie always wants to talk to me if I go in there which is not am staying well away!
All my other males are well in bubble nesting mode currently. Prickles (who will hopefully be spawning with my other CT girl later this year) is trying to spawn with the mini filter in his tank and has built his first decent nest near it.
Betta eggs float too well they seem to I think they start to sink when the fry are moving inside (thats how it looked when I watched mine) I never knew gouramis had bubble nests then again never really kept them which would explain why I didnt know that!
I think bettas are crazy! Either that or they just make us believe they are either way who actually knows? Never heard of a betta trying to get it on with a filter before ! each to their own I suppose! I'm so tempted to get my bettas to spawn again as my three females are full of eggs again (only been two weeks)! But don't fancy raising more fry just yet!
The filter has a reflective sticker on it. I believe he can see himself in it and thinks it's another betta there. Either that or he really is in love with himself. He's currently making puppy eyes at himself. His tank is next to my computer so I get to watch his madness all the time I'm online.
Maybe I've misunderstood the sinking eggs with bettas? I'm sure they sink. I could well be wrong. Am sure someone will come tell us soon enough.
Gouramies act fairly similarly to bettas...well my three spots do. Not all breeds do. The only difference being is that I keep my male with the girls 100% of the time and they breed as and when they want to. I don't go rescuing all the fry anymore though or I'd have a hundred tanks full of the squirts. I recently rehomed 35ish fry from a spawn last October. Their first spawn in fact. Kept just one from it and she now lives with the adults again. She has a lilac streak through her anal fin.
Anyway! Back to the bettas! )
He probably is in love with himself lol they are a vain bunch those males always making themselves look posh and proper lol
I know the eggs dont initially float to the surface but they certainly stayed there when put there unless they moved then they would snow down it's quite funny to watch them esp when the eggs are hatching the poor male doesnt know which to get first bless him
SMEG IT! Was in the kitchen this morning and trying hard to ignore the pair who hadn't spawned overnight when I caught sight of them trying the wrap. Kept well away but my delightful son came blundering in and dropped the cereal on the tank. Naturally they were thoroughly put off and I'm like all AHHHHHHH!!!!
I just hope they have another try while I'm out today since the house will be empty and peaceful. I'm going to go insane soon.
P.S:He didn't drop any IN the tank!! Lol just thought I ought to make that clear.
The poor little fish being interupted bet they loved your son for it ! I'm sure they wont be deterd by it and will soon start up again (I have fingers crossed for you)
bloomin' kids mine were always blundering around the tanks when they were in the kitchen. They are now in the garage in my new fish room and they have to knock before they can come in
They're wrapping right now!! He's having a little trouble holding her as she's so full of eggs. Looks like she can't get them out. Am sure they can manage tho. I snuck away when I saw them at it. I'd hate to disturb them now. But this is looking really promising now. I feel all smiley and hyper.
I just sit and watch them! Then again I'm one of those that kept my nose to the glass whilst the male is tending to the young and got looks of what on earth are you doing woman from my males!