Betta Spawning.

Miss Dib Dabs

Jun 19, 2005
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Behind the shadows
:D Today is the starting point. They have their nice big spawning/fry tank and are both in there, albeit currently seperated. Except Teelie, my CTgrl, showed more interest in Ollie when she caught sight of him briefly. :X Mystery, one of my CT boys is showing alot of interest in her and busy building a bubble nest even now. This is his first time...and hers. :wub: Earlier on she showed a little attention to him and she actually sqeezed out an egg! :lol:
Have to admit I'm a little worried at the idea of letting her out later. :look:
And before anyone leaps to prep, I know. Really and am prepared. I do admit am still gathering jars and the like for potential males in the months to come but am nearly there. They have been conditioned with live brine shrimp and bloodworm. He's a rampant bubblenester albeit still rather young and she's been chock full of eggs for....well quite a while!
Wish me luck. Here's a pic of each of them. Sorry they're not very good.


Thankies guys. They're in together now. Some chasing done on both sides but no action as yet. Bubble nest is a good size and neither are fighting each other. So......eeep! He hasn't tried to wrap her up yet. Actually when she does stay still he tries to nip. :X Daft bugger. Shall peek in every now and then this evening and make sure both are ok and no one's being beaten up. She hasn't dropped anymore eggs but if she got anymore gravid she'd explode. :lol:
Ok well the pair just weren't working and getting it awn sadly. So this morning I put Teelie in her little seperated area and changed the male to my other CT known as Twilight. He's a very dark blue, utterly georgeous (will try to get a piccy) but he's a bit on the small side. Having just let them out together they're already trying to embrace but he's having trouble with her overly round tummy. :lol: :wub: Have left them with only minimal light....from the window and hopefully the peace will keep both relaxed enough to work out the size difficulty. Bless.
:lol: She's currently following him around with puppydog eyes. Rubbing against each other and a general lovey dovey feel to them. So I feel happy leaving them unlike how I felt about her and Mystery. Currently I think it's more about his own inexperience and the fact she's a big girl and he's a rather small and young male. But I'm sure they'll work it out. Am having to tie myself to the computer to stop going in there and watching them. :X
On the whole I'd have to say he's the better looking of my two CT's although his rays aren't as strong as Mysterys. He has a very sweet temper which means she is probably more aggressive then he is on the whole. Being the boss of the girls upstairs.
Funnily enough all my boys are now feeling the itch and building nests everywhere. You wouldn't think they know what's going on eh! It's not like they're even in the same room! :lol:
You'd be suprised what the fish know lol :lol:

When my bettas were spawning I just sat there and watched them I think I was glued to watching them for over an hour! very interesting to see!

Your female sounds like one of mine being all flirty with the male and bossy towards her sorority! I really hope they spawn for you! Cant wait to see how your fry turn out
Thankies. Pity he's now acting thick and has no clue what to do. :X She's trying to wrap up and he runs away. Men eh, haven't got a clue. ;) :lol:
Typical woman trying to do the work by herself !

Perhaps you could try telling them what they need to do or put a video on for them demonstrating it! Who'd have thought fish need the facts of life :fun:
Still no spawning. The pair have been in together for well over a day now and the bubble nest would cover his normal tank fully. :X There's now looking to be some intrest in actual spawning but it's a bit of a rollercoaster ride. :rolleyes: Am hoping for some action overnight (fingers crossed). Am feeling all impatient now. :lol:
Its enough to drive you crazy isn't it :rolleyes:

I have a pair that have been together for 4 days now and she's just getting bigger and bigger with eggs so I hope he gets his act together soon or he's not going to manage it :lol:

Hang in there, hopefully yours will get there soon
I want to know how some of you guys get such amazing pictures. I have a Nikon 5.1 Megapixels COOLPIX 5200, and granted I got it more than 2 years ago (which means the technology is not obsolete, right? =P), I can't get those amazingly clear pictures that some of you have!

So what camera are you using? What setting is it on? What's the lighting like? :alien:
Lol the pic of Teelie was taken by my Dad with his rather supa camera some months ago. The pic of Mystery was taken by me, in normal light conditions....on my mobile. :lol: Very far from super and more luck then judgement. :*) Ppl do get wonderful shots, heaps better then mine, of their fish but it does take some patience to wait for that perfect shot. Other times you just get lucky.
Shoulda said way back that she's actually with Mystery. Twilight lasted only about 4-5 hours in the tank and I had to remove him from sheer exhaustion. Turns out he really is too young and really was too scared of her. Bless. It's Mystery she's been in with since yesterday and he who's built the nest to scary proportions. Methinks he's expecting the Mother of all spawns by the size of it. :X
Still, neither has become nasty to the other. The chasing has lessened (on both sides)to only occassional now and every now and then they're flaring and swimming next to each other, usually until Mystery gets over excited and dashes off to cower under his nest. :rolleyes:

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