Betta Setups


Fish Herder
Apr 26, 2009
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Hello one and all. I will be introducing to you the "Betta Setups"

As most of you from the Betta Section know I recently that I rescued a Betta that needed my help. The person that is now buying him off me which will give him a better home after me nursing him back to health is buying the whole setup off me. So I thought this would be a good idea to do for every Betta I rescuse as there will be more Btta in the future that need my help.

"The Setup"
You get a

*Heater (25W Elite-Suitable for 3-6 UK G - Also can change temp slightly)

*Filter (Elite Mini Filter - Suitable for 3-6 UK G - Also change current slightly)

*A hinding place for the fish (Coconut Cave or Boat) Plese not with the coconut cave they do come in different size but what you get is what you have to put up with. There is nothing wrong with the caves its just I dont want to give everyone the special treament - The boat comes in Blue or Green)

*A statue - This staue can be of the following (Any Spongebob character, a little crocodile or turtle, or two kissing fish which is a bubble statue) If you have anything else in mind then please state so with a picture on the thread or in a PM

* 3 Packs of natural fern. You get 2 plants per a pack. So in total you are getting 6 plants. This should fill out a 6 G or small tank nicely. (these come in Green Red Orange or Blue)

If intrested please say on thread or PM me. If you replie on this thread I will send a PM to you asking what you would like for colours and choices.

The Setup package will be £10 and the postage should be around £5

"The Betta"

You can have the betta sent as the same time as the equipment, or you can wait till a week. Though if I have a Betta which is healthy and ready to go the most I could keep them for is a week from when you buy the equipment. As this is stopping other people getting there betta or someone else that might what the same betta as you and could of brought it in shorter time then you (Hope you understand this) Im not going to be looking for the tail type or colour that you like. The betta is brought as it needs the help and then to be rehomed. What you see if what you get unless to wait intill you see one that I have that you like.

"Prices Of Bettas"

Healthy but niped tail - £2.50 to £3.00
Completely healthy - £5.00
Unusual coloures or different tail types - £6.00 to £7.00
(The tail-types are of the following Half Moons Twin Tails or some Crown tails depending what they are like and maybe other if I get hold of them but possible not)

And Ideas or Questions then please write on thread or PM me.

Many Thanks
I have PMed you both about the setups and posting pics :)
Could you not post the pictures in the thread please, would save you time instead of PM'in everyone :)
Well Im making a website so that people can click on link and do it that way :)
If you're sending the betta's with the filters, you're going to end up with an uncycled tank.
No i am not. sending filters and heaters after reciving money and then sending the bettas a week later if the tank is cycled. I could send some media if needed.
Hello I have moved the thread to a new one with added pics... Thank You all
No i am not. sending filters and heaters after reciving money and then sending the bettas a week later if the tank is cycled. I could send some media if needed.

A tank isn't going to cycle in a week. See the links in my sig for more info. And unless you're selling testing kits as well, the person buying these kits isn't going to know if the tanks cycled. Especially as I believe your target market is going to be people fairly new to the hobby.

As for sending mature media, the time from you taking it out of the filter to being added to another filter is going to be in the region of 48 hours. I don't claim to be an expert, but I'm pretty sure most of the nitrifying bacteria would be long dead by that point. If you're serious about this idea I'd suggest sticking a post either in tropical discussion or scientific section (or doing a search) to find out if theres a way of sending mature media and keeping it alive for the correct length of time.

You're likely to be selling to people new to the hobby you have an obligation to make sure things like cycling are properly dealt with if you consider yourself a responsible fishkeeper.
well i believe there is a thread which people can have media from local people to them. if they neede some extra time and i knew they werent just pushing me aroung the i would let them have some extra time

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