Ok, Im not sure if many people remember me, but around January/Febuary I made a petition for http/www.bubblegear.8k.com to stop selling there Betta Purses. When I signed up, I forgot to put my whole name, and they took the petition off of the net. I contacted them with my information and today Im happy to say its back online like it used to be. Here's a link: http/www.petitiononline.com/ssbp/petition.html Im asking everyone out there to Please sign this petition and show the beatiful Betta world some respect. I also encourage you to have a link to the petition in your signature so other people are aware of it. Thankyou very much everyone, now lets get Betta purses outta here!
Current Amount Of Signatures: 93
Goal: 1,000
Once we reach 1,000 signatures, (which I know we can do) I will send this petition to Bubble Gear, and we'll see what happens. If nothing happens, then Im going to be forced to take further action involving animal cruelty centers. Thankyou everyone who has already signed and the people that are about to. Together we can put this sick mess to an end!
Please encourage everyone you know to sign this petition! notify other fish forums! do all you can! we need your help
- Joel
Current Amount Of Signatures: 93
Goal: 1,000
Once we reach 1,000 signatures, (which I know we can do) I will send this petition to Bubble Gear, and we'll see what happens. If nothing happens, then Im going to be forced to take further action involving animal cruelty centers. Thankyou everyone who has already signed and the people that are about to. Together we can put this sick mess to an end!
Please encourage everyone you know to sign this petition! notify other fish forums! do all you can! we need your help
- Joel