Petition Petco to raise Betta min tank size from 0.25 gal to 3 gal in their "Betta Care Sheet"

The next step might be to consider dialing back the extra large fins that act as a handicap for a lot of male Bettas produced for these stores. If consumers keep buying the Betta with the biggest and weirdest fins, Bettas will keep dragging impossible fins to the surface to breathe. I've seen a lot of bettas that could barely function in a 5 gallon, and the reason for that is our fascination with huge fins. The period when the fish moves from a cup to a decent aquarium is a dangerous one, because they can't all gain the muscle tone they need to constantly battle the drag.
The next step might be to consider dialing back the extra large fins that act as a handicap for a lot of male Bettas produced for these stores. If consumers keep buying the Betta with the biggest and weirdest fins, Bettas will keep dragging impossible fins to the surface to breathe. I've seen a lot of bettas that could barely function in a 5 gallon, and the reason for that is our fascination with huge fins. The period when the fish moves from a cup to a decent aquarium is a dangerous one, because they can't all gain the muscle tone they need to constantly battle the drag.
Very true -- it's something not a lot of people know or think about. Thanks for the input!

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