Petition Petco to raise Betta min tank size from 0.25 gal to 3 gal in their "Betta Care Sheet"

Perhaps we should start right here and remove the "no minimum tank size" statement? It was reviewed last year but the result was it was to remain unchanged.
I agree with you. I know "minimum" is arbitrary -- but to say there is no minimum does give the impression that tanks even as small as 1/4 gallon are sufficient. There should be some standard -- and the standard shouldn't be what keeps a fish alive, but what would actually give them a quality life.
Hello! Just wanted to add this graphic of the min Betta tank size recommendation in the care sheets of some of the top US pet retailers.

PetSmart is Petco's biggest competitor so it doesn't look great for Petco to be taking such a different approach.

If Petco can update their recommendation to 3 gallons, it will show that there's a trend away from the tiny Betta tank misinformation. They haven't updated their care sheet since 2016, so let's hope 2021 is the year... :D :)

Hello again! I have an exciting update! LiveAquaria has updated the minimum Betta fish tank size information on their website! They raised it from 0.25 gal to 5 gal for male Bettas, and from 1 gal to 5 gal for female Bettas.

Thank you @Fishmanic for pointing out here in this forum thread that LiveAquaria's male Betta min was 1/4 gal!

The petition for Petco is still active -- but it can also be a tool to show other retailers and manufacturers a demand for proper Betta care guidance. :D
Hello again!

Another positive development!

Marine Depot updated their "Better Betta Care" website article to recommend a minimum of 5 gal! They originally gave a range of 2.5 - 5 gal as a starting point, but I let them know about the petition and they were willing to change their guidance to suggest 5 gal minimum! :D

It's a small change -- but it's also significant because we can demonstrate that there is movement away from the association with Bettas and very tiny tanks!

Hey everyone! I forgot to give the update -- Petco did change their suggested tank size min on their Betta Care Sheet....from 1/4 gal to 1 gal in Oct 2021.
Not great but it's something! :) It means now there is no top US pet retailer that would advise tanks under 1 gal for betta fish at least according to their caresheets. :D

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