Betta Lovers Must See!!!!


Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
:eek: I was serching for info about bettas and i found this :-( OMG how can any1 treat a beautiful betta like that. :grr: :grr:
anyone who needs to wear a betta in their bag or on a vase on their table needs their heads sorting out!i think we shud put them in a bag or vase and see hoe 'great'they think it is. :no:
I sent them an email asking how to get the fish in, how it can breathe, the volume of the tank etc. I will put the reply up when I get it. The price is pretty steep though! They are over £100!!!
I've seen that posted here before I think. I hope that price puts people off... I hate to think of the poor fish that gets put in one of those.
That spongebob one... it looks 'big' compared to the betta... but in reality (a fish shop near me has them) the swimable area is about 4 inches across, and about 7 inches tall. Add gravel and the area not filled at the top, and that poor betta is in a spot so small.

Poor things
I've had a betta fish vase of course that was before I knew anything about fish, of course it was a pretty big vase. A bag like that with a betta is really weird, who would want to carry that first of all. Ugly looking bag but a nice looking betta. :D
OK here's the reply-
Thanks for your e-mail. The fish tank is completely removeable and easily slides in and out of the bag. The entire top of the tank pops off for easy access and easy cleaning, water changes and feeding. The tank is quite sizeable. Approximately 4 times the size of those that Betta's are kept in in the fish stores. As with any fish, if he were to become ill, I would consult your local pet store (they sell different water drop type medicines for fish) I have never had a problem with any of my Betta's to date as they seem quite resilient. Also, I've never lost one either : ) The fish breathes in and out of the water. There is quite a bit of room in the tank for air and each time you open the container (we recommend daily for feedings) the tank re-oxygenates itself. My personal fish " Bubba" has been traveling with me for well over a year and is excellent shape so the bag is definitely tried and true, Thanks so much.

4 times the size? Well, betta's are kept in cups of water. TEMPORARILY.
I visited a very well known, and voted top retailer in PFK last year, shop on Saturday. When I entered the fish house, I left. Around twenty to thirty bettas were in VERY small, aprox 3" square, cubes on an unlit wall, I personally would not buy anything from people who treat fish in this way.

:eek: :crazy: Poor fish!!! Can you imagine the sloshing the poor thing goes through???!!! And a vase??? Geez...I remember putting my guy in my tank...for hours he swam back and forth, up and down and all over the place and would all of a sudden zoom around as quick as possible. It was like the poor fella was in heaven ya know. I could not imagine putting the poor baby in anything smaller now.

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