Betta Lovers Must See!!!!

Do you know what would be worse than the bubble-bag? If I had the bubble-bag! I park my car in the garage and often leave my purse in there over-night. And by "night" I mean -4F temp without wind chill. I would have a frozen, or at best hypothermic betta! And here I was worried that my INDOOR temp wasn't warm enough for my betta! :lol:
Im gunna send an e-mail to the Betta purse a**holes and tell them how I feel :grr:


Ill post there responce.
I just e-mailed them. Heres what I wrote -

Dear Ms. Howard,

Who do you think you are?

I just recently saw you website with your "Betta Purse", and I think it's absolutely sick. Why the heck would someone want to do that to a poor fish? The way Bettas are treated these days is horrifying. BETTA'S ARE LIVES, NOT FUN PURSE DECORATIONS. How would you like it if someone put you in a small container and shoved you in a purse? Tell me, do you honestly think that a Betta enjoys himself in there? do you think it looks forward to being shoved in your purse and being shuffled around constantly? Dont you think they might suffer from some extreme stress? I cant believe someone would do that. I've always loved fish and the joy they bring to me, and the way they enhance my life, but I can see that you dont. If you did, you wouldn't have developed such a "fashion accesory". I've seen some pretty mean things done to fish, but this one takes the cake. And your asking for $110 for them! Who would pay $110 to make a fish suffer.

I think you are a cruel woman, and If there was any kind of lawsuit I can put on your product or any way I can stop your product from being sold, I would do it. I better look into that.

- Joel
i just put this one on order, i think it will go nice with my shoes.

Someone on this forum actually owns one of those bags, disgusting huh?

I'm surprised you got a response :hyper: A bunch of us in the betta forum sent her emails about 6 months ago and no one got anything, maybe that means she's getting a lot of heat :thumbs:
I for one think its sick

I haven't gotten a response yet and doubt I will, as long as she knows how I feel.
LOL I'll email her again and ask some more info on it. If anything she tells me is wrong, well, lets just say I hope she doesn't mind eating through a tube for, uh, the rest of her life :D

yesterday when I went to the doctors office the doctor had one of those vased Bettas. It made me kinda upset because the Betta was so beatiful.
Check out this guy's "tank"...


Not to upset anyone who keep bettas, but why do they market extremely small tanks for these fish?
Go to any fish store and they have VERY small tanks.
Those bags are sad. :(

Maybe someone (who is better at wording things than I am) could start one of those online petition things -- -- informing her of why it's wrong and asking that she please stop making/selling them. Then we could all sign it (and get our friends to sign it) and forward her the link?

Actually, I think this particular trend is getting more & more "sick" -- animals as fasion accessories. Look at Paris Hilton carrying around her chihuahua Tinkerbell. I mean, I think it would be great to take my dog everywhere (unfortunately he's a 97-lb. akita/german shepherd mix so its not too practical LOL) but she makes it look more like an accessory than a loved pet. I mean, they even make Coach, Louis Vuitton, & Juicy Couture clothes, collars, and designer bags for carrying your toy-sized dog around. "Good" breeders of toy breeds (chi's, pomeranians, etc.) are having a lot of fights right now over breeding these trendy "teacup" dogs too -- basically breeding runts of litters to other runts to get smaller and smaller (unhealthy) dogs that people are playing inflated prices for because of the demand (and the animals are suffering b/c of it)

... sorry, small rant there ...

But point being, whether its fish or dogs or whatever, they're NOT freaking fashion accessories. They're living creatures. Are people that blind/stupid?

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