Betta losing color rapidly in sections

I would probably treat it in the same manner as a bacterial infection and hope for the best.

i hope this isn't what your betta has! i never knew anything about this disease and it sounds terrible for the fish (and terrible to watch). i hope that he continues to feel well and behave as usual. unfortunately i have no experience with this and can only offer my best wishes for the little guy! :) :)
It could be ageing, genetic or something like Vitiligo.

I feel that as long as the fish is eating well, blowing bubble nests, flaring and otherwise healthy-looking (i.e. no clamped fins, swelling, respiratory distress, etc.), it is quite unlikely that it is something that warrants euthanasia.

Edit: Michael Jackson may have lost his colour but nobody should stop him if he wants to be cytogenetically frozen like Austin Powers, so that he can sing and dance for our great great great... great grandchildren.
Maybe he has some marble in him that is just now beginning to show? I've had bettas develop white spots, but nothing as drastic as that... I really have no idea what it could be, but I hope it isn't NTD!
There are so many bacterial medications to choose from...holy Lord how are you ever supposed to know which is best. :( -_- :unsure:

I picked out the one that mentioned this NTD and I hope it gets here soon.


Indicated specific for preventing and treating Neon, Cardinal and Tetra "death". Effective against Angelfish waste away. Use as a safeguard when adding new fish. Will not color the water. Use 1 capsule per each 10 NET gallons. As with other antibiotics, use every other day for 5 days (3 treatments are recommended). A change of 1/2 of the tank water is recommended after 3 days. (Sold since 1977).
I'd say definitely treat for the bacterial, and hope for the best. There's always a chance he might not have it! I'm sorry to bring it up, but I think it fits best. I know all the info out there is confusing too, I've read it all when we were going through this.. If he's eating fine and acting fine, no worries for now. I wouldn't even suggest euthanizing him unless it got much worse. The only reason I think your fish has this is because the exact same thing did happen to our fish. He was fine for a very long time too, even when his whole body was white and fins starting to deteriorate, he ate and swam. His started out not looking "muscle deep", but slowly progressed to that. He was never exposed to anything either, but there is no telling. Just keep all the things he touches disinfected, to keep your other fish safe, as it is very contagious. Best of luck.
I'm glad you did Julie. even though it is horrible to think he might have it.....I'd rather think he does and treat accordingly then just sit here and not know what is going on..and treat for something totally opposite.


:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

I have some Aquarisol and thought while I was waiting for the other meds to come in (I also ordered some methylene blue) I would add some of the Aquarisol to his water (it says it is mild enough ot use as a parasite preventative..and for fin rot) to prevent anything else from attacking him..since if he has this NTD he is surely suseptible to a multitude of other things :(.

I have a syringe that measures by the teaspoon (it's a 1tsp syringe..then it divides it down to 0 in small incriments) so when I have any meds I always pour them into a small specimen cup (we have to have them here at work for on the spot drug testing). ..then measure out my meds and pour the left over meds back into the bottle (to prevent mixing of meds and contamination), throw the cup away, and then boil the syringe afterwards (like you do a baby bottle nipple) to keep everything sanitary.

Well when I poured out some Aquarisol today there is something in the bottle..some goopy, brownish, slimy stuff. As I poured some meds into the the specimen cup this blop of stuff comes out and into the cup. I'm like :crazy: what is THAT!

How would something like this get into a bottle of meds? And what in the world could it be??? -_-





I don't look inside the bottles of meds..and I've been using this bottle for a week now treating my friend Amelia's 2 betta's that have fin rot!!! OMG I am worried now this could do something else to them :sad: . GREAT :no:
He is even whiter today :sad:


Even his dorsal has some on it today.
:-( Poor guy...and he had such lovely colours to start off with.

As for the meds... :crazy: Eck, when in doubt throw it out!
juliethegr8t said:
I wouldn't even suggest euthanizing him unless it got much worse. The only reason I think your fish has this is because the exact same thing did happen to our fish.
Sorry, Julie.

I hope you'll accept my apologies. I'd misunderstood your good intent and I must admit that I went a little nuts when euthanasia was mentioned. Thank you for sharing your experience on NTD. I sincerely hope that SRC's betta does not have NTD, but I guess my denial wouldn't be of any help.


I am only beginning to see how rapidly and oddly the colour loss is progressing. If you're going to start your fish on prophylactic antibiotic, do complete the recommended course so that it does not become resistant to it in future.
Yes, I am a stickler for finishing medication. So he will get the full treatment cycle.

Oh my yes I threw that bottle of meds out. I just can't figure out how it got in there, it's a near new bottle of meds. I've only used it for the past week, on my friends fish (she works in the office next to me..and has no clue how to take care of her fish lol...and I bought 1 of them and gave her one of I'm making sure they get proper medical attention ).

I just hope whatever that is....doesn't make them sicker. Because one of them still hasn't recovered from the broken tail he received during shipment (he came off AB) and one has a sever case of fin rot going on.

I will put him down should it come to that. I have done it before. I have a bottle of Vodka and a bottlle of clove oil on hand. :/
Actually it is for me. ;)

I have to have a couple shots before and after I do it.

#1 reason I quit vet school....I have a severe distaste for putting animals down. Problem with that and being a vet..they don't only put down animals that "need" it.

And there isn't enough Vodka in the world that could console me for doing that. :no:
You know how to check for velvet ritght? This sounds like how I lost my very first betta. He sarted to loose color in spots, and just went down hill from there. Get a bright light, or a flashlight and shine it on him. If you see a copper or goldish glow it's velvet. It is caused by a protozoan parasite so any meds that you can find that will kill that should help. Good luck with your betta buddie!!!
Yes, I check them periodically for that. I bought a specially little mag-lite flashlight just for that purpose. No such luck, in finding the "gold" dusting. *sigh*. I just hope this medicine gets here soon and that it works. But at the rate he is turning next week he will be a ghost. :sad:

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