Q) How long have you had him for?
- A) for about 6 months
Q) You said you re-set the tank a fortnight ago, does this include a new filter or is it the same one and the tank is still cycled?
- A) You'll have to forgive me, I'm a novice at this, by the filter, are you referring to the white air diffuser things or the activated carbon or something else? I'm not sure what you mean by asking if the tank is still cycled...
Q) A tumor is possible as they can come up anywhere, and look like a bulge rather than a spot. Describe the spots more. Is it looking like acne, is there any white area or is it totally red and pushing from under the skin like a boil? Any threads coming from them?
- A) the main lump does look more like a bulge, the one spot is small and has no real coloration...it looks like a slight boil under the skin rather than a spot. The main lump has mostly red and it does look like its pushing up from under the skin. I'm not sure if it has any white, I'll check tonight when I get home.
Q) Any chance of a pic?
- A) I tried last night but couldnt get my camera to take a good enough pic, I'll try again tonight.
Q) How much salt have you added already?
- A) I'm not sure exactly how much salt I've added but I took the water to have it tested and they said it was very salty. She said it was on the high end of salinity but not dangerous.
Q) What was the cleaning routine before you re-set the tank and what do you do now?
- A) before we reset the tank, we would do a 20% water change every week or 2 and scrape the algae residue off the tank. We also would use anti algae tablets. Now we've been doing larger water changes including a 75% that we're doing tonight.
Q) are the spots a different colour to the fish?
- A) the large lump is redish, the small lump has no color change
Q) Have you had the water tested for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and ph?
- A) I have had the water tested and its ok on everything except for the ammonia is high and the water is a bit hard. I had an ammonia tester that said the ammonia level was ok but when I took a water sample to a fish doctor, she told me that the ammonia was real high. She also told me not to worry about the ammonia level now as it was of the least of my concerns. I thought this was odd. She also said that I shouldnt use ammo-lock as it just releaes the ammonia again after it locks it. I'm not sure what else I should use.
I plan on doing a 75% water change tonight with water that has been left out for 2 days...the fish doctor said that should make it safe for him, is that correct? He's really not doing well, I spend all my free time talkin with him or researching what I should do to make him better.
your help is really appreciated. THANK YOU!