betta fry missing ventrals?

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hmm that seems decent :/ you know, maybe they just ddint' come in yet. I'd really start worrying when they're over 2 months
Nah, they should be there I think.

I think another problem was that I didn't start them on brine shrimp for a while because they were so small. Which meant they were eating microworms longer. Which means they were dragging themselves along the bottom longer.

Hopefully I'll have more luck next time.
that being said, i'm in the same boat as you end.

my fry are 6 weeks moving onto 7 and no i don't see any ventrals, i always assumed that they'll come in later when color starts to develop.

in any case...does having htem drag themselves along the bottom of the tank have anythign to do with it? :blink: i honestly dont' see how them sticking to teh bottom ratehr than swimming around can affect the grwoth of ventrals :unsure:

:unsure: i worry about my one week old fry now, and how to get them OFF the bottom :blink:

better luck next time end :thumbs: at least now you know how to do it right :)
cutecotton said:
better luck next time end :thumbs: at least now you know how to do it right :)
Yep... I value knowledge gained from experience 10x more than knowledge read from a website. Whatever gives me that sort of knowledge is a good thing.
i'd give it a lil time, i think its kinda unuseral the the whole spawn is like that, maybe their just a lil slow to develop :dunno:

dont get to stressed out :D

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