Betta Fish Compatibility

How are red eyed tetra and bettas together? does anyone know?
This thread REALLY needs to be pinned.

Also if anyone wants to write a thread on breeding bettas and the kit you need - that would so be pin worthy...not that I'm planning on breeding :p I'm a one tank kinda girl
I went into a pet shop in Leeds the other day and they were selling a Betta to cycle the tank eeeeek! they then told her to come back in 2 weeks and get 5 neon tetras. I was stood with my mouth open my other half had to drag me away before a caused a scene in there.
Pin it! Pin it! I don't even own a betta, but if I ever do, this will definitely be something I'll use frequently! :lol:
Just for interest's sake, I have my betta in a 10 gallon tank with 8 chili rasboras and 3 mini moth catfish. The rasboras are so small that a more aggressive betta could possibly swallow them whole, but my guy left them alone after a through investigation. The catfish like to hide and don't bother the betta at all (and he doesn't bother them). Chili rasboras would be a good choice for a small tank because of their size.
Are Pristilla tetras and endlers compatible? I was thinking of adding 6 of each to my male betta's 20 gallon.
Are Pristilla tetras and endlers compatible? I was thinking of adding 6 of each to my male betta's 20 gallon.

Hi, was just reading this thread when you posted, if you check out the first page you will see both of those fish listed as compatible.

Excellent list at beginning of thread.

For interest sake I have several bettas that get along amazingly with some other fish that aren't listed. However, my tanks are heavily aquascaped and none of my fish are aggressive.I think this would make a huge difference having plants everywhere.
In my 55 gallon lives a veil tail with 3 mollies,4 angels and a Zebra pleco. It is rather funny to see all of them huddled together at feeding time, the betta has never shown any aggression and the angels adopted him.
My 70 gallon also heavily planted has a dragonscale betta who lives with my discus. (i believe high temp is okay with Betta, correct me if I'm wrong though) Never any aggression, they swim beside one another and even at feeding time they all eat out of my hand.
I do have a crowntail that was living in my 35 gallon with some zebra snails and neon tetras, well he was attacking the snails, so he moved to a ten gallon by himself, lol . But I moved another veil into that tank and he is working out great. I also have a crown tail living in my crystal shrimp tank, now they are fine, but if he eats any of those expensive shrimp i'm in real trouble. Again that tank is planted and scaped and a 7.5 gallon.

I always have an extra tank on hand for any Betta that may need it. But I am finding when they go from the smaller tank (never do i keep in smaller than 7.5 gallon)into a large tank, that they stop the constant pacing (like horses do when kept in stalls- called weaving) and swim, interact and enjoy themselves. This is only my experience and its not the usual i'm guessing. Again, all my tanks have large amount of plants.
I have 2 scarlet badis in with my sorority. They also used to be with a male CT betta. Haven't had any problems yet.
Pin it!

I know you have cardinals on your list but I recently read that caution should be taken when stocking with cardinals, no reason why was given. Are you able to shed any light on this?? Because I reeaallly want some when I upgrade.

Possibly becuase of how they aren't readily bred in freshwater aquariums meaning that they are wild caught resulting in them only doing well in similar water to where they originate from. In this case it would be soft water. While bettas can be kept in a wide range of setups. So maybe this warning was for people that have a high PH level in there tank

Unfortunately I doubt that this thread will be pinned though................
Mmm i see thanks, well my pH is 8.0, which is depressing because i looove cardinals. Maybe ill add some bogwood at some point :/
Also a bummer about the pin as i am constantly having to look this thread back up and i'm really lazy so.... :p i'll just have to bookmark it!
There sustainability in hard water is similar to a mollie's in soft water. They can survive, but there lifespan is greatly decreased, they are very succeptable to diseases, etc.
Ah well i can get a crush on another species, i just love that band of red and metallic blue. It's funny but one of the reasons i decided to get a betta was because i thought i had a low pH but it was just those rubbishy test strips. By the time i got my liquid kit and thought to test the pH it was too late! It's selfish but i'm glad i didnt know the right answer at the time or i wouldnt have got my betta. Hopefully the addition of some wood in the future will make his life much nicer.
I gave up on cardinals for the same reason. My co2 lowers my ph from 8 to 7.0 but I don't feel comfortable putting them in still.

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