Excellent list at beginning of thread.
For interest sake I have several bettas that get along amazingly with some other fish that aren't listed. However, my tanks are heavily aquascaped and none of my fish are aggressive.I think this would make a huge difference having plants everywhere.
In my 55 gallon lives a veil tail with 3 mollies,4 angels and a Zebra pleco. It is rather funny to see all of them huddled together at feeding time, the betta has never shown any aggression and the angels adopted him.
My 70 gallon also heavily planted has a dragonscale betta who lives with my discus. (i believe high temp is okay with Betta, correct me if I'm wrong though) Never any aggression, they swim beside one another and even at feeding time they all eat out of my hand.
I do have a crowntail that was living in my 35 gallon with some zebra snails and neon tetras, well he was attacking the snails, so he moved to a ten gallon by himself, lol . But I moved another veil into that tank and he is working out great. I also have a crown tail living in my crystal shrimp tank, now they are fine, but if he eats any of those expensive shrimp i'm in real trouble. Again that tank is planted and scaped and a 7.5 gallon.
I always have an extra tank on hand for any Betta that may need it. But I am finding when they go from the smaller tank (never do i keep in smaller than 7.5 gallon)into a large tank, that they stop the constant pacing (like horses do when kept in stalls- called weaving) and swim, interact and enjoy themselves. This is only my experience and its not the usual i'm guessing. Again, all my tanks have large amount of plants.