Betta Fish Compatibility

I referred someone to it. a week or so ago.
Would snails be worth adding here? I like the idea of shrimp or snail with a betta in a 3.5 or 5 gallon tank.

let's PIN it!
I was going to add snails to my divided 10g. the lfs had their snail in 68 degree water!!! And the goldfish they were with had dropsy!
I'm always so paranoid that anything I put with my Bettas will be fishfood. This list is great! Hopefully more Bettas will end up in a nice tank instead of tiny bowl because of this. Good one! oh and Yay! for the snails :)
What look did the people have on there faces? I bet it was like this :blink: or this :angry:

Well the guy that was in the section was new. Been there like maybe two days. He is a fishkeeper himself and actually reported to the manager that nothing should be sold to the tanks. And thanked me for pointing it out. I went back today and the "not for sale" sign was still up. The sick fish had been removed and the others were quarantined.
Thanks, and I hope it does get pinned, I put a lot of hard work into it just to find out the info on all these fish. Keep your fingers crossed :thumbs: :thumbs:

Hmmm, goo to know that he did something about it and the sick fish were removed
I don't know about the general opinion or recommendation but I had 6 Rummynose Tetras in my 10 gallon and got them a 3 foot long tank because they just seemed too crowded in there. I would think it's the same for the Cardinal Tetras or any Tetras that size. :blink:
rummynose, I have Been thinking abut this post for quite some time and I believe that you are correct, so I will make sure I change rummy noses, etc. to 15 gallon or more. Thanks for pointing this out :good: I will edit right now

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