Betta Fish Compatibility

I think there will be a lot of happier Rummynose Tetras out there, lol! :good:
I also added a few more fish aswell :good:

Hey, I was just referred to this thread threw another thread where the member was asking compatibility questions for bettas! I just wanted to say, being new to the betta world, this site and your post has really helped me a lot. I rescued a betta from a friend just a week ago, and one of my biggest concerns of course was compatibility with my fish in my existing tank I was going to add him to. This was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for taking the time to create that post - you really are a fishy friend! haha. It all worked out for me as I have mollies, kuhli loaches, cories and a few dojo loaches so the betta fit in fine with his new tank mates (75 Gallon tank) and he is just swimming up a storm now that he is out of that that 5 inch sqauared container he was in.

I never realized, these guys have little personalities - this guy likes to be in the spotlight I find and whenever I sit to gaze at them all, he always comes front and centre in my view! It is so cute! like he is saying, "look at me, look at me!" I have never noticed that on a fish before but he seems to have a little personality! Do you guys notice this about your bettas? Anyway, I love this site and your post and thanks again!! :good:

I also added a few more fish aswell :good:

Hey, I was just referred to this thread threw another thread where the member was asking compatibility questions for bettas! I just wanted to say, being new to the betta world, this site and your post has really helped me a lot. I rescued a betta from a friend just a week ago, and one of my biggest concerns of course was compatibility with my fish in my existing tank I was going to add him to. This was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for taking the time to create that post - you really are a fishy friend! haha. It all worked out for me as I have mollies, kuhli loaches, cories and a few dojo loaches so the betta fit in fine with his new tank mates (75 Gallon tank) and he is just swimming up a storm now that he is out of that that 5 inch sqauared container he was in.

I never realized, these guys have little personalities - this guy likes to be in the spotlight I find and whenever I sit to gaze at them all, he always comes front and centre in my view! It is so cute! like he is saying, "look at me, look at me!" I have never noticed that on a fish before but he seems to have a little personality! Do you guys notice this about your bettas? Anyway, I love this site and your post and thanks again!! :good:


I've never had one betta that doesn't have a personality! They're such fun lol
I also added a few more fish aswell :good:

Hey, I was just referred to this thread threw another thread where the member was asking compatibility questions for bettas! I just wanted to say, being new to the betta world, this site and your post has really helped me a lot. I rescued a betta from a friend just a week ago, and one of my biggest concerns of course was compatibility with my fish in my existing tank I was going to add him to. This was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for taking the time to create that post - you really are a fishy friend! haha. It all worked out for me as I have mollies, kuhli loaches, cories and a few dojo loaches so the betta fit in fine with his new tank mates (75 Gallon tank) and he is just swimming up a storm now that he is out of that that 5 inch sqauared container he was in.

I never realized, these guys have little personalities - this guy likes to be in the spotlight I find and whenever I sit to gaze at them all, he always comes front and centre in my view! It is so cute! like he is saying, "look at me, look at me!" I have never noticed that on a fish before but he seems to have a little personality! Do you guys notice this about your bettas? Anyway, I love this site and your post and thanks again!! :good:

Wow, that tank sounds like a great tank with awesome fish, I would love to see a pic of it! Thanks for saying all these nice things! It did take a while to make this thread, but it's worth it. And your welcome for making this post
How would livebearers which generally like hard and alkaline waters be compatible with splenden?
You are right that most livebearers generally like harder water, but they do fine in softer water too. Both livebearers, and bettas are very adaptable to different water conditions, thus meaning that they will do fine in hard, soft, and neutral water.
I was convinced by an article, most unfortunately don't remember which, that looked at the importance and effects of gh on fish and found that fish that preferred soft water was very affected by water hardness as opposed to fish that preferred hard water could much more easily adapt to a soft water. The osmosis of minerals had a strong effect on fish. It offered that gh might be much more important than ph and a neglected area that deserved much more attention. Im also a student of takasi amano; a compromise is still a compromise and if it's great for one, it's not thriving for the other incompatible fish.

I know many people keep livebearers with splendens. Something to think about.
I just thought i would let you know fishy friend that I love this post knowing you posted betta compatibly with other fish
I saw van rios today at my pet shop and wanted to get them for my 30g with my female Bettas and I checked here first before i get them to see if they were compatible With Bettas, it's really helpful

For fishball7 and FF2, I have almost exclusively livebearer tanks but enjoy keeping a few B. splendens too. Although it is not ideal, my splendens thrive in my endler tank and right now I also have a B. pugnax in a community tank. My water is very hard and has a pH of around 7.8, but they don't seem to mind. The splendens seem to live about 5 to 6 years in my tanks so I cannot conclude that it harms them in any way. I have only had the B. pugnax for about 3 years but it is living in a mixed 120 gallon community tank that includes things like rainbow cichlids, at around 5 inches long, some giant danios and even a few African cichlids. The Africans are near their limit as far as water chemistry since they would prefer much harder water but all are thriving in that tank and none of them have been there less than 2 years. I also have a female betta simplex living in a tank with some nice goodeids. All in all, the Bettas are among my most flexible and hardiest fish.
Just wanted to say great thread, I have had a betta about 2 months in a 2 gallon bowl and been wanting to put him in a community, and as I am just upgrading from a small 1.5ft to a 3ft I think I will pop him in the 1.5ft with some new friends.

My wife loves our betta (Fred) and would love to see him swimming with mates, its funny that the LFS say that the betta has to live in a very small amount of water and by no means can you put him in with any other fish.

I have to stop my wife from buying all the male betta's when we go to a LFS. She wants to save them all and put them in bigger tanks.

Thanks for the Great Thread excellent reading I have learnt a lot today.
This is a great thread! When my tank has finished cycling, I wanted to house a Betta, Glowlight tetras and Khuli loaches together. This thread has definitly solved a lot of my main concerns about compatibility! thank you!
Just wanted to say great thread, I have had a betta about 2 months in a 2 gallon bowl and been wanting to put him in a community, and as I am just upgrading from a small 1.5ft to a 3ft I think I will pop him in the 1.5ft with some new friends.

My wife loves our betta (Fred) and would love to see him swimming with mates, its funny that the LFS say that the betta has to live in a very small amount of water and by no means can you put him in with any other fish.

I have to stop my wife from buying all the male betta's when we go to a LFS. She wants to save them all and put them in bigger tanks.

Thanks for the Great Thread excellent reading I have learnt a lot today.

A lfs told me the same thing! They said that they prefer small tanks and will get freaked out by big ones!

To fishy friend: great thread I really love it, and it's helping a lot of people!!

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