So an update on whats going on. He is just getting worse, his dorsal fin is pretty much gone and there is white fuzz all over his back, and most of his tail is gone as well. I discovered this today after being gone for a few days.
Im debating putting him out of his misery. He still eats, swims, and has wieght but he is really not looking good, I have no idea what to do with him. I've been medicating and salting, doing the best I can, for the most part keeping up on the routine apart from that 3 days when I was gone and my perants refuse to help.
(Sorry for poor quality photos)
This is what he looks like as of now and it makes me very sad. Again, I'm debating putting him down, is that the best option, and if so how should I do it? If not, is there anything I can do to help him at all, unfortunately I have no money and very limited access to stores, I really feel I've failed this little guy, he had an awsome personality and was so chill that I was planning on putting him in a community tank if I got the chance.
Sorry for the rant/wall of text, I hope theres something I can do, idk what to do, I just hope he will be ok.