It was my fish, I’d do Furan-2 and Kanaplex together along with a little aquarium salt.
Just caught up on this thread because I was bored and scrolling through. I notice that your ammonia isn't at zero on the previous page. It looked like it was at 0.25ppm. This might be a contributing factor to his stubbornness of fighting off the fin rot. Do another test and show us the results. Might just be my computers lighting though.
Just caught up on this thread because I was bored and scrolling through. I notice that your ammonia isn't at zero on the previous page. It looked like it was at 0.25ppm. This might be a contributing factor to his stubbornness of fighting off the fin rot. Do another test and show us the results. Might just be my computers lighting though.
If the city uses chloramine in the water then you will often get a .25 ammonia reading. This ammonium however is not ammonia and reading is safe.
It was my fish, I’d do Furan-2 and Kanaplex together along with a little aquarium salt.
Thank you, I am still waiting for the kanaplex to arrive however I have lowered the temp down to 24c and have upped the salt as I am pretty sure this is columnaris (he had white mucus coming from his mouth). I am really surprised but he has already perked up.

I have read countless info on columnaris and supposedly you can clear it with salt.... the instructions are to add 3 tablespoons per 10g, dose this again after 12 hours and then a third time after another 12 hours and this should eradicate it whilst lowering the temp! Is this safe without removing any with water changes?
Thank you, I am still waiting for the kanaplex to arrive however I have lowered the temp down to 24c and have upped the salt as I am pretty sure this is columnaris (he had white mucus coming from his mouth). I am really surprised but he has already perked up.

I have read countless info on columnaris and supposedly you can clear it with salt.... the instructions are to add 3 tablespoons per 10g, dose this again after 12 hours and then a third time after another 12 hours and this should eradicate it whilst lowering the temp! Is this safe without removing any with water changes?
Hey I am so sorry for responding late!
My fish is still here and happy but his fin rot was never fixed. They never grew back I notice somedays the fuzzy stuff comes back and the fins seem like they are rotting a little but then it goes away after another consistent water change, filter change, salt and almond leaves. It has been about two or so months since i have medicated him because I wanted to give him a long break after constant different methods. I did everything suggested to me in this thread nothing worked, I even did two rounds of Kanaplex and Furan-2. I might try it again later on. But yeah its really sad that nothing has worked. At this point I am just trying to keep him happy and comfortable, feed him well and not stress him out.

I hope your little guy gets better! Sounds a lot like what I have been dealing with minus the fungal mouth. Always keep the water clean, it was soooooooooo obnoxious dedicating 4 months of daily water changes. It was completely brutal but I was so desperate and I think that may have at least slowed down the rate of fin rot even though it hasn't left.
Hey I am so sorry for responding late!
My fish is still here and happy but his fin rot was never fixed. They never grew back I notice somedays the fuzzy stuff comes back and the fins seem like they are rotting a little but then it goes away after another consistent water change, filter change, salt and almond leaves. It has been about two or so months since i have medicated him because I wanted to give him a long break after constant different methods. I did everything suggested to me in this thread nothing worked, I even did two rounds of Kanaplex and Furan-2. I might try it again later on. But yeah its really sad that nothing has worked. At this point I am just trying to keep him happy and comfortable, feed him well and not stress him out.

I hope your little guy gets better! Sounds a lot like what I have been dealing with minus the fungal mouth. Always keep the water clean, it was soooooooooo obnoxious dedicating 4 months of daily water changes. It was completely brutal but I was so desperate and I think that may have at least slowed down the rate of fin rot even though it hasn't left.
Hi, I’m so glad he’s still here, gives me hope that my little guy can possibly make it through this. The situation really does sound similar, I was just keeping the cottony bits away with daily salt water changes but he definitely wasn’t getting better, then slowly after time the water changes were not enough and the furan 2 didn’t work. I noticed his belly start to pinecone, he was hardly feeding and then everytime he came up for air he would leave behind a little white mucus glob. That’s when i could confirm he had columnaris, there are a few different strains and fortunately I think mine has a slow strain and possibly yours too! I really want to continue with the instructions I’ve been given but I am nervous to add another salt mix of three tablespoons again this morning. I will keep you updated with how he goes but in the meantime I would definitely lower the temp to 24c and add three tablespoons of salt per 10gallon tank water(75g of aquarium salt) I did two tablespoons first then the third the following day as a precaution. Don’t forget to replace salt that you remove with water changes as well. Fingers crossed and good luck.
Hi everyone! Its been quite a few months since I have done any updates for you guys. Last time I tried everything desperately such as tank upgrade, almond leaves, salt, water changes, kanamyacin and furan-2, methylene blue, you name it! I checked water parameters, found nothing significant. I decided to just give him a break from all medication. As I mentioned he never had any behavioral problems, never was a lazy fish he always swam happy, ate well, and still flares. I keep his tank super nice and clean for him and still use salt sparingly during water changes. I believe his fins never got worse since the last treatment, however they never "regrew". I never noticed any changes in improvement of his raggedy now shorter fins. I figured it may be due to age (I have had him for a little over a year and a half). No matter how hard I tried to promote regrowth it never happened post fin-rot.

I recently took it upon myself to order a vitamin called vita-chem freshwater. Heard it was good for promoting regrowth for fins. If it doesn't bother him, it doesn't bother me! But it would be nice to get rid of the constant reminder of his battle with fin rot and see some healthy fins again! Does any one have any recommendations or thoughts as to why he may have not grown them back after so long, and how to promote regrowth after a long hard battle with finrot?

Thanks guys!!

I am no expert but I think as they get older they don’t heal as well anyway, it takes lots of effort for their bodies to pump the blood all the way to end of the fins, especially long ones. My little guy is just over a year and I am changing his water every other day, that was the only way his fins grew back and even then I still have to add salt for a week occasionally as it looks like the fin rot is coming back! my tank is fully cycled and I can leave the changes for a week with normal readings and 0 nitrate due to plants so I know it’s not that, however the only thing that helped was the regular water changes and I switch to RO Water (the RO didn’t make a difference) he had a bad injury to his anal fin so I have put it down to that and then the bad case of fin rot. I can still see the injury but he doesn’t seem bothered by it, he does his usual, is very active and seems happy so that’s good enough for me. I honestly think u should be so proud that he is still here and u are still seeking advice to help him further! I hope someone here can help!
Hi guys! Its been a long time My fish who battled fin rot multiple times from the day I got him at the store (October 2019) has beat the odds and has stayed a happy swimming fish despite never growing his fins back. Thanks to all your guys' help on this thread. However recently I noticed his back fun turning pale and receding more almost non existent. He still swims and eats but today after I changed his water and cleaned the tank he ate and then went to lie down. He seems to be breathing heavy and doesnt want to swim around. I am worried about his fin, I wonder if he is in pain. I am worried he won't make it due to his age as well. I inserted a picture hard to see because he is hiding rn. I am going to dose with salt. Is there anything I can do? The water conditions are fine but how can I help him survive and help his fins? Should I try kanaplex again?


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Hi guys! Its been a long time My fish who battled fin rot multiple times from the day I got him at the store (October 2019) has beat the odds and has stayed a happy swimming fish despite never growing his fins back. Thanks to all your guys' help on this thread. However recently I noticed his back fun turning pale and receding more almost non existent. He still swims and eats but today after I changed his water and cleaned the tank he ate and then went to lie down. He seems to be breathing heavy and doesnt want to swim around. I am worried about his fin, I wonder if he is in pain. I am worried he won't make it due to his age as well. I inserted a picture hard to see because he is hiding rn. I am going to dose with salt. Is there anything I can do? The water conditions are fine but how can I help him survive and help his fins? Should I try kanaplex again?

Hi! I remember you :) I'm happy that he's survived this long, and that you've been able to enjoy him and take care of him, despite his long running issues. I'm sorry that yet again, I can't be much help in solving it...

But I do suggest that you make a new thread in the tropical emergencies section to ask about this new issue, because people who weren't around at the time or don't remember the details since it was a while ago, are unlikely to want to read through a nine page history, you know? Starting a new thread with the current situation and a brief description means more people are likely to see your new thread and be willing to read through and help, you know?
Include in the post that he has had long term fin rot which resisted all your efforts to treat it, and perhaps include a link to this thread so people can see it if they chose, you know?

The photos also aren't much help I'm afraid, since we can't really see him. I don't like to catch and move fish unless it's necessary, but moving him to a clear container so you can take some clear photos of the problem might be worth it, since we can't see the problem he's having from these photos.

For fish health help, I always recommend copy/pasting this template from the emergencies section, so people have the important info off the bat, then include your description of his past illness and attempted treatments. Good luck! I'll check in to the new thread so I can follow along and offer moral support. <3 Here's the template to copy paste:

Tank size:
tank age:
tank temp:

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

Volume and Frequency of water changes:

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):
Hi! I remember you :) I'm happy that he's survived this long, and that you've been able to enjoy him and take care of him, despite his long running issues. I'm sorry that yet again, I can't be much help in solving it...

But I do suggest that you make a new thread in the tropical emergencies section to ask about this new issue, because people who weren't around at the time or don't remember the details since it was a while ago, are unlikely to want to read through a nine page history, you know? Starting a new thread with the current situation and a brief description means more people are likely to see your new thread and be willing to read through and help, you know?
Include in the post that he has had long term fin rot which resisted all your efforts to treat it, and perhaps include a link to this thread so people can see it if they chose, you know?

The photos also aren't much help I'm afraid, since we can't really see him. I don't like to catch and move fish unless it's necessary, but moving him to a clear container so you can take some clear photos of the problem might be worth it, since we can't see the problem he's having from these photos.

For fish health help, I always recommend copy/pasting this template from the emergencies section, so people have the important info off the bat, then include your description of his past illness and attempted treatments. Good luck! I'll check in to the new thread so I can follow along and offer moral support. <3 Here's the template to copy paste:

Tank size:
tank age:
tank temp:

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

Volume and Frequency of water changes:

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):

I did do that!

Thank you!!

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