Sugar coating and nicely nicely? I don't think so
Btw, I've never dealt with sand before. What are the pros and cons on that? I think it would be neat but I'm afraid it might get in their gills or something. I know I'm proably wrong. So sand compared to aquarium gravel. Pros? Cons? Opinions?
I have sand in my main tank and it's fine. It doesn't really get into their gills no. Any that does gets flushed out.
To clean it with a gravel vacuum, don't stick the tube into the sand like you would with gravel. That will just suck your sand away.
Swirl the end of the tube just above the sand to disturb any bits of poo and uneaten food, which will be sucked up into the tube.
Sand is a very natural substrate and good for growing plants if you have live ones.