Betta Compatibility

thinking about it, i have kept a pair of killies dont know what type but male was orange female yellow and my betta never bothered them, this was the same time i had the angelfish and barbs too

in the end its down to the betta and what he/her will put up with, my Blaze is an evil lil guy but Royal is the most gentle betta i know and 3 females like a busy tank whilst the other doesn't so she is now in a 1.5 gallon bowl, yet no problems with the others being onlly 3 of them, i do understand what your saying, but every fish is different betta or guppy

I give up.. :unsure: You don't seem to be getting my point.
Do as you please with your fish. I'm just trying to prevent a slaughter from occuring.. I need to stop caring about other people's fish so darn much.

if i felt ANY of my fish would be *Slaughtered* as you put it, do you really think i would leave them too it? i would give my life to save my fish, to some they may be just fish, but i become very attached to mine and spend many hours a day caring and watching them for any agression

I don't know you, so I wouldn't know whether or not you'd leave them to it.
I would think if there's ANY chance of such a thing occuring, you'd fix it beforehand and not wait untill aggression shows to stop it
But that's just me.

Edit: I'm done with this thread - No need to create a flamewar over this..
OP, do what you want with your fish. I wish you luck in your endeavors.
i can vouch that keeping a male betta ina community tank is a bad idea. i had a betta in a 125 gallon with, platty, guppie, balas,black skirts. it was a nightmare, and within the day of the betta going in the tank...3 dead fish, 2 guppies and a platy. the betta had its fins nipped by the black skirts and the balas.

but i think its up to ypu what you put in your tank. my fighter now has his own tank!
With bettas... compatibility depends on there personality!!!!
i agree, if your willing to seperate if theres any trouble then i'd say its ok. and just so you know i would NEVER let my homebred guppies be killed by betta's no matter how much i love bettas i could never let them take the life of another fish, i have kept fish for 11 years and have made many mistakes i admit, but i have learnt from them

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