Betta Buddies


New Member
Aug 16, 2004
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I have a single betta (named blender) and was wondering what you would suggest for a room mate. I recently bought a bigger tank and want to get him a friend. What is your suggestion of another good fish. I would like to avoid the use of a filter, so another air breathing fish would be optimal.

Allison :rolleyes:
i have a nice spacious 2.5 gallon (its a college dorm) he was in a 1 gallon
Maybe an african dwarf frog, some shrimp, or a snail? My crowntail thinks shrimp are snacks though... I don't know of any other fish that could go in there though, w/out a filter anyway.
Corys cats are good and cute.. they're blind.. lol.. the DE CLAWED african dwarf frogs are good... soom guppies and tetras are good too.. my friends betta lived with a neon tetra until the gold fish ate it.. -_- ... snails are good the ramshorn snails (they clean up filth too!) but only get one.. cuz if you get two, they will breed like crazy and you'll have hundreds of little snails in there!
Do you think that a couple neon tetras would be ok with him. He is very non aggressive, my friends tried the whole mirror thing and he didnt' get upset at all. He just kinda swam away. any other suggestions? I cant have any amphibians in my dorm room, only fish or underwater species
blender said:
Do you think that a couple neon tetras would be ok with him. He is very non aggressive, my friends tried the whole mirror thing and he didnt' get upset at all. He just kinda swam away. any other suggestions? I cant have any amphibians in my dorm room, only fish or underwater species
neon tetras are alright but sometimes they do tend to nip on the bettas fins... make sure they dont do that.. and neon tetras are known to get "neon tetra disease" too... so be careful about that!
neon tetras have to be in a school, in a 2.5G tank you won't have room for them, since they do need a lot of room to swim too.

Same goes with cories as they should be in a group of 3 or more, which puts your tank overstocked.

If you want more than a frog/snail/shrimp i suggest using this as an excuse to get yourself a bigger tank! :thumbs:
cutecotton said:
If you want more than a frog/snail/shrimp i suggest using this as an excuse to get yourself a bigger tank! :thumbs:
would a five gallon tank suffice? I am dealing with a very small dorm room. Are there any fish that are compatible with a sweet betta that dont need to be in schools?
I am now considering a female betta friend for my male betta...

if the room is busy, will they not mate?

If they do indeed mate, I already have a place for the female to live down the hall (my friend martha is bringing a rather large tank with her.) correct me if i'm wrong, but brine shrimp are the ever popular sea monkeys right?
no they will not mate :no: becuase the male would most likely kill her. Unlike other fish such as guppies, males and females CANNOT live together in a small tank (yes 5G isn't big enough). so i wouldn't suggest you doing that all.

If you have a 5G, i would maybe put 3 platties ors omething with your bteta, and once again 4 or 5 fish is about all you can accomdate in a tank that size without going overboard.

andyes, brine shrimp is indeed sea monkeys :D
Also, please remember, if you're not going to have a filter, you're highly limited to the kinds of fish you can keep.

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