Betta Buddies

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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oh yeah good point. If you don't have any kind of aeration/filtration in the tank you won't be able to keep platties and stuff cuz they need oxygenated water :nod:
blender said:
Do you think that a couple neon tetras would be ok with him. He is very non aggressive, my friends tried the whole mirror thing and he didnt' get upset at all. He just kinda swam away. any other suggestions? I cant have any amphibians in my dorm room, only fish or underwater species

Um... just thought id add something here to that comment. My betta does nothing when he sees himself in the mirror, and i mean NOTHING - he'll look at it then swim away casually as you can imagine! But i had to remove him from my community tank cos he killed 3 of my guppies and was starting on my RTBS (Yes, i know - stupid betta!!!) The only thing he can live with and not kill are swordtails (dont know why he doesn't attack these..) and corys. I now have him in a 3.5 gal with 2 corys and a snail.

I wouldn't go purely by the way he reacts to the mirror, and wouldn't risk putting something in with him that he might attack. If i were you id get a filter and a few corys, thats what i did :)

Just thought id add that! :)
i just keep male bettas alone in thier own 1G, can't be boethered to try and figure out a community for them :) i might try it later on though
I have a 2.5gal with a male betta and a oto cat. You could do what some other people said and get a snail but with anything else you are going to a least going to need an airstone because almost nothing else can live without an airstone and/or filter. Filters cost about $10 for a whisper for a 10gal. Yes, you can use a 10gal filter on a 2.5gal tank. The betta will get use to the current. It's better the getting sponge filter, in my opinion, that works not as well and cost more or the same. Do you have a heater? If not you can get one small enough for your tank for about $6 at walmart. The air pump is around $6 as well. The airstone is a $1 and the air-line tubing 89 cents. So if you really what to be able to keep something else in your tank you can get those things and spend about $24, misnus the fish.

Sea-Monkeys. hahaha. My english teacher had a little container of ''sea-monkeys'' on top of his over head by the window. I was half tempted to go up to him and say ''so what are you feeding with that brine shrimp hatchery over there'' He'd be like ''what?'' I don't think he know anything about fish, not to mention what ''brine shrimp'' are. hahaha!
lol i love the sea monkeys story.

You would i would just go for the snail/shrimp/frog thing rather than witht eh fish/airpump/filter and all :blink:

snails can be very very amusing :) i love mine and i stare at him more htan my fish!
Why can't you have a filter? All Glass has a 5g setup, comes w/ a light & filter. Also, an Eclipse Explorer is nice, I have one & it seems theyre on clearance everywhere because they have a newer model now.

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