Betta Bras


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX

I wish their was such a thing, can you imagine fastening a bra around a bettas little neck. :kira:

I have 3 males that are in desperate need of some assistance. They have such excessive finnage that it's a chore just to swim. One male who has the problem is the guy in my should see him, he'll swim from side to side of his tank with a shimmy and when he reaches his destination his fins just pull him down and he's nose up, he's always laying them out cross the gravel or resting them on a plant :rolleyes: ,my solid red male has the same problem so he usually rests in his plants all day and the other is a blue/red male with such full heavy finnage that he's exhausted after a couple rounds in his tank

poor guys...the high price of being beautiful I guess :lol:
:kira: :kira: :kira:

A few of my boys would benefit from those...although since they are for men we should call them something like "Manser" or the "Bro" (ideas from "Seinfeld) ;)
:lol: There is no way that your boys would let you put a "bra" on them. I definitely agree with dix - name it something manly. They'd probably even prefer it being called a corset than a BRA! :kira: My sister's betta has the longest veiltail I've ever seen... when he stops swimming the same thing happens. Poor guy looks like he has a fascination with the top of his bowl. :lol:
lmao@ the "bro" :kira: that episode was hilarious :kira: I guess a "bra" would be a little to fem for such manly boys :rolleyes: :lol: ,maybe it could be something more like a "fin sling"

As I'm sitting here typing I glanced at my lavender crown who was recently moved to my desk...staring at me with his fins propped up on a silk "flower" :rolleyes:

I even caught the third male I mentioned sleeping straight up today :lol: ,he was using his tail as an anchor :rolleyes: :wub: he looked exactly how you described julie ...fascinated with the top of his tank :lol:

It's not easy being beautiful :wub:
I think most of our boys KNOW they're pretty...

I think I really should have called Simon "Narcisis". I have these flat marbles in the bottom of all of the betta tanks. He is the only one that will still stare at his reflection in the marble. :lol: :lol: A few times a day I see Simon almost standing on his head gazing as his own reflection...not flaring, or getting worked up, just admiring himself. :wub: :wub: :lol:

I have a few vain boys too :rolleyes: ,maybe it's because we gush all over them and tell them how goy-geous they are all the time :wub:

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