Beta Tank Heater?

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I've looked, the smallest size that I can find, personally, needs at least 2 gallons, and there's no thermostat to control the temp, so you would have to very closely monitor the heater.

A slightly dangerous alternative is lizard heating mats. I've successfully attached these lizard heating mats to panes of glass, and put those underneth betta bowls to keep the water temp warmer. Mine stayed at 75F after I did that for their bowls. But it required several days of experimentation to decide if it was safe, if it raised the heat high enough, and maintained it over a long period of time without fluctiation. And I did it because I had to, my work keeps their bettas in small bowls and we needed to heat on account of the office dropping into the 30s at night.
so i'm guessing if the temperature stays high enough (in the 70s) by itself, we just shouldn't mess with it? his tank is part plastic- i'd hate to melt part of it.
Weeell, from that point on, I personally would hesitate to advise you.

2G is considered bare minimum for heaters, for a reason.

I think bettas above 75F in water are far, far happier, than bettas between 70 and 75F, personally. My female, who is in 80 degree water, is extremely active and never stops moving. She's like a little trout.

A 2G bowl doesn't take up too much room, and a 2G All-Glass tank doesn't take up too much room, what harm is there in investing in one of those, so you can get a proper heater?
Try the Hydor mini heaters, they don't need a theromostat cause they don't get hot hot, just raise the temp a bit. They are also great for small acrylic tanks, I bought mine from a chap on Ebay called swish_fish, if he doesn't have any on sale now you can contact him and he can get one for you (cost around £8 plus he only charges by the weight of the item and not silly postage costs).
If it's just for a Simease Fighting Fish then you might not need a heater - if your room temperature is fairly high then you shouldn't need one. Ask in the Betta section and they probably will tell you the same! :)
I think I did earlier... I don't rememer :) I've been keeping an eye on the water temp (per the thermometer)- and it's not dipping too low, and he seems fine- very active. I might just leave it.
Well, if he's fine and your room temperature is stable, I wouldn't worry about it. But if you do find a suitable heater -- get it! :) They love being at 80 degrees.

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