hmm i slowly coming to the conclusion that bettas are not as aggressive as people make them out to be. guppies are really colourfull and if the fighting fish isnt threatened by them then just how far can you go before trouble does occur in your tank ?
are aggressive, but to their own kind. Unfortunately, some bettas are more stupid than others and think that guppies are other bettas. Maybe the bettas that can live with guppies are the clever ones?
seems to me that most of it is just paranoid jabber.
but that being said you wouldnt want to put your tank at risk either, for the bettas sake and the others in the tank.
Definitely not paranoid jabber; just different experiences. All fish have their own temperament, as well as what their species is like. So some people have put bettas and guppies together and it's worked because those individual fish are peaceful. It's like locking two people in a room; they may get on and be best friends, or they may hate each other and start fighting!
perhaps its fish like tetra, who are easy meals or fish of similar colour to the betta.
i guess that is where the trouble starts.
fin nipping is only bought on by stress isnt it???
bad water conditions ect?
but please correct me if im wrong.
No, some fish just do nip fins. It's probably an evolutionary adaptation so that any fish that's unhealthy or 'raggedy' gets kicked out of the shoal so as not to attract predators.
im not sure which fish are buggers for nipping fins???
A lot of the barbs and tetras are fin nippers.
In general, it's the deeper bodied species that are the worst; so Serpae tetra are worse than neons, tiger barbs are worse than Pentazona
but i agree with you: you can mix coloufull fish with a betta.
As long as they don't have long fins; it seems to be the long fins that triggers the behaviour rather than the colour (for most fish anyway)
but i guess it also depends on temperament.
Yes, but you have to decide whether it's worth the risk of fish being bullied and nipped and trying them together, or staying on the safe side and keeping them separately.