Besides Yourself, Who Supports Your Fish Keeping Hobby?

Multiple choice! =)

  • Dad

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mom

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Brother

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sister

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Boyfriend/Hubby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Girlfriend/Wife

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cat (Mmmmm!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Grandma

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Grandpa

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aunt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Uncle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Friend

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Someone else... (who?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No one...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kids

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Fish Herder
Apr 8, 2009
Reaction score
I am just wondering. Because no one supports me, really.
My ex-friend got me into fishkeeping, but she doesn't care about it now, so she doesn't support me.
My Dad will kind of help sometimes, but I can tell he doesn't like it. (Only done for me! :rolleyes: )

I am simply just curious.
If you are confused by the questions, just read them over, and don't skip questions when reading them. (Go in order! :good: )

Thanks! :good:
My wife suggested a tank for my birthday present as I had always said I wanted to keep fish (but never really acted on it).

Think she is regretting it now though. Each day is filled with tank stats and new fish idea talk, and each weekend brings a trip to at least 2 lfs to get some stocking ideas :lol:
I haven't voted as you left 'kids' off your list.
No one supports me financially, but my daughter helps with water changes etc on my Comm tank [too scared to let her near the Puffers :blink: ], she also does all the water stats when needed. And looks after her own Betta tank.
My son [aged 17] generally ignores my obsession, but loves watching the Puffs being fed, although he doesn't generally admit it!!!!
Also there's my brother, without him there would be no fish.....he's the one who drives me to the LFS almost every weekend....he's such a honey :wub:

Lisa x

Edit....just had a quick re-read and have voted now! Bit early for me!!!!
My mum and dad help me by paying for some things when I take them to the lfs and my mum does the maintenance when I'm away at uni.
Another vote for kids helping - both my boys help with water changes - testing the water - feeding - checking the tank temp - checking all the fish are happy etc.
no one :(
i get moaned at all the time for amount i have, the fact that i even take up kitchen worktop space,

so just to be fair, i drag my sons to the LFS i make them help me with maintenence etc etc....... well i never say no to them :lol:

you should have been in my longue yesterday when i had to swap the stands over :lol: the air was a little bit blue to say the least, but they helped, just to get me out of the way i think :lol: the words nursing home kept coming up too :lol:
No one... Infact everyone in my family makes fun of my for it :lol: the only one that shows slight interest is my Dad, who will ocassionally ask me how the fish are, or how a new fish is doing if and when I put one into my aquarium.
Kinda in this by myself.

No one really cares for my fish hobby. lol.

The missus gets a little excited when I get new fish and wants to name them all, but that's about it. lol :lol:

No, really dad, you would like the tank once it's in there and yes I'm sure that 5ft isn't too big lol :rolleyes:. My mum doesn't mind too much though 'cos she likes the plec I've got and can't bear to part with it so really the only option was a bigger tank :lol:.
My Hubby got me a Tank for my birthday because we can't keep dogs here and I would spend hours staring into my mothers aquarium back home. But he doesn't help me with maintence however he buys me whatever I want as long as I can come up with a reason why I must have it NOW :lol: But other than that not so much he picks out fish every once in a while and makes up silly reason why the fish I picked died and his didn't, he says mine died of fish AIDS lol. but we found out it was because the tank wasn't cycled
my girlfriend is as bad as me lol but she helps out and buys me things and the same the other way too i encourage her alot too maybe to get more fish for me hehe she's more into turtles and we rescue them from around the country we have 10 now lol but i always tell her to get them if she has seen any for rehome
Well, I guess I have a tiny bit of support. My parents ask me how the fish are doing from time-to-time, and will occasionally cheer when I get a batch of fry. :lol: (And go look at them if I want them to. :lol: )
But otherwise, it's kind of a laughing matter.... I was called a "Fish head" by someone my parents were talking to! :blush:
Well, I guess that's better than a pot head! :lol:
I do this on my own, my children love it but are unable to help do to there age. My wife loves the way the tanks look but does not like to go to fish stores and has no interest in the hobby as long as I keep the tanks looking good. She gives me money for what I need (she pays the bills, Thank God). She allows me to spend our money as long as I give her a little heads upl before hand.

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