Ben's Tank

aye, their service is bang on to be fair.

You will have to wack a pic of that nem up, thats one of the reasons im thinking about closed loop as i would like a little bubble tip one day. Will need a halide aswel fist though. Yours has probably found somewhere it ikes if its still though

Im its not going get hurt there tho !!! just worried it will block the flow, im going pm you
Sorry to hear about the Angel Ben. I'd personally wonder if it wasn't caught with cyanide and you were doomed from the start. Having swam with them, I can confirm they're extremely skittish and like hanging out near rockwork, under ledges, and in caves as Juveniles which would make them extremely difficult to catch in normal circumstances.
Sorry to hear about the Angel Ben. I'd personally wonder if it wasn't caught with cyanide and you were doomed from the start. Having swam with them, I can confirm they're extremely skittish and like hanging out near rockwork, under ledges, and in caves as Juveniles which would make them extremely difficult to catch in normal circumstances.

I think you have hit the nail on the head with that Ski!, i am pretty sure that cyanide would be used to catch small specimens as they are very skittish i too have seen this whilst diving in the red sea, I personally would not but any small angel for fear of this. You have just learnt a valuable lesson Ben - impulse buys are not a good idea.
Cheers guys, lesson learnt now anyway.
Going for corals big time now, so no angles at all anyway. Going for a nice wrasse when i find one.
Hi Ben,

I have been following this thread for a while and its really good! And its very unfortunate about the angel. :crazy:
May I ask a quick question...What type of lighting do you have? Like what watts and stuff like that.


Hi tom,
I have LED lighting. TMC aquarays to be exact.
I want an anenome sometime in the future aswel though, so i will be adding a metal halide i think.

I will probably keep my LED's on for 10 hours and then have 6 or so with the halide on aswel. Then heat wont be a massive issue and it wont consume too much power

hth :good:
2nd hand metal halides all the way imo.
You can get them dirt cheap with people selling off their equipment due to rising costs.
LED's come in at £160 a pair, ive seen halides sell for £50
Really, so whats the difference? Sorry newbie questions although I ve kept freshwater for 5 years. Feel like a change.
well halides commonly sell in in 150w 250w and 400w models. So they are pretty bright. Hard corals and anenomes need strong light. Depends how deep the tank is aswel. mines 15" deep so ill be adding a 150W halide.
Softer corals can be kept under LED's and T5/8's ok.
Problem with LEDs is the cost. You need a fair few sets to have light strong enough for hard corals. But they dont need bulbs changing and have 5 years warrenty. Where halides need a bulb change every 9 months or so...
Ah, I was going with fluorescent lights is this ok? I would like hard corals rather than soft because of the moving around and stinging other corals.
lots of T5s doesnt really work out cost efrective when your swapping tubes every 6 months or so. buying 5 tubes at once gets expensive. Soft corals dont move round and sting others though. PLus you leave growing room between corals anyway.
You can go T5s yeah. But expect to change the bulbs regular. They use the same power as their equivelant halides .eg. 3 x 50w tubes would use the same power as one 150w halide and produce no more light. 3 bulbs is more expensive to buy/change than 1.
Hard corals need a lot of light, so how deep is your tank. If its big then you are likely to need several T5s.

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