gutted...really bad day today
woke up as normal and the first this i always do is go the tank. Wheres the dinky angel? nowhere to be seen. So i feed them like normal hoping it will come swimming along and no. Nothing.
Then a flash of blue catches my eye in the bottom cave on th right...its dead.
Rite strip the right side down and bag up the bdy for the fish shop. Take all the rocks out of the tank from the RHS, stiring up a sand storm. Now all the others are like ####???
The angel isnt there anymore

So i turn over a few rocks and its there. So the powerheads must have moved it right? No! its alive, just very unhappy. I run round like a blue #### fly mix up a bucket of new water. get that up to temp. Test water. Try and get the rocks back in for the others.
I phone the LFS after getting my test results back, which were as normal, nitrate was a tad high though. They said i was best putting it in a breeding net so the others can't pick at it and not to stress it by moving it. Ok i put it in the spare bubble stop i have for my skimmer. So now its a waiting game i guess...
Its not gaspin for breath, colours are as bright as ever. Its just not swimming much. It can swim but its just laying there. When i netted it out to put it in the bubble stop it went a bit mad. I just dont know whats wrong with it

So now i want to get my nitrates as low as possible and for good, just for piece of mind. They are about 20 today. Changed a bit of water. But what can be done long term? Other tests are nil - indetectable.
Fish shop say they will sort me something out if it doesnt make it, but thats not the point. I really dont want to lose it. My tank looks crap now aswel
and all before 11 am