Ben's Tank

What other fish stay pretty small and are ok in a small group of 3-4?

Other than Chromis there is not really many shoaling fish that stay small enough for 120L. Blackmouth Chromis are a nice fish but if you want something thats active look at Lyretail Anthias they are active and are availbale in pairs.
vandervelt or C. retrofaciatus chromis are also nice. I think i will eventually give these away for other fish but they look nice for now.
starting to get some cyano creeping in on the sandbed :crazy:
any tips on how to get rid?
at the minute in turning the sand over and thats keeping it under control but i want it gone!
Sooo, dug this one back up.

Cyano has gone, finally. Had a real nice red gunge on the sand. Made sure i paid special attention to defrosting the frozen foods. Did this in a cup of tank water and poored through a net then squeezed with tissue. The liquid that comes of that stuff reads nearly off the scale on a phosphate kit.

Have some holidays from work so i had tank day today. Cleaned everything. Glass, skimmer, pumps etc. Big water change. Added a sand bed and some LR rubble to the sump. Popped to the LFS for a few bits and a chat.

Made an investment today aswel. It was a real impule buy and the more im thinking about it im like "what have i done?" My LFS always give me great discount and i walked through the door today just as they were looking over the new delevery of 40 or so marine fish :) Some real beauties. Anyway its staying there for a few days so they can get it eating and make sure its ok. Passed quarrentine at their suppliers though.
Clues - will out grow my tank several times over if im stupid enough to keep it that long. Currently the size of my thumb nail though.
Changes colour as it moves from juvi to adult
live aquaria have an adult one at the minute for $189 cost me <£30

The plan is that i keep it till it doubles in size then sell it on. The guy at the LFS reckons i will be ordering a bigger tank though. They had two and they are doing the same. Theirs is a fair bit bigger than mine though.

Pics will be up when the work is finnished and i get the call to collect the fish cos its munching away
Just took a few pics, bad quality i know. Cant help spending money on the tank and not on a camera though.
No new additions really, apart from the tiny fish waiting for me at the shop, i felt so sorry for it i had to take it. Once it has grown up a bit, so it can stick up for itself it will be sold or swapped for frags. It looked like it was taking a whooping from a clown less than 1"
A small green clove frag was added aswel but that isnt too exiting.

heres the pics.

This fella moved house last nite, tried to video it but it ddint come out. was an interesting watch though



Tiny new frag


growth on leather, clown seems to be darkening to more adult colours now too


RHS of tank


LHS - clowns house, blenny is allowed to lay on their rocks too. Anyone else gets chased away


MR - T


FTS - still need to change that ugly powerhead


Cheers, it my birthday in two weeks s no doubt there will be a coral or two added. updates will of corse be posted here. christ 21 i feel old.
Looks good! What fish is it then!

Yeah the hermits are fun to watch switching shells, the way they kind of turn it around to measure it up. They look really strange out the shells as well.
i dont know weather to say or not for fear of flaming...

its a very tiny angel, queen angel to be exact. must only be 1cm though.

Please note though people i dont intend to keep it long term, just want to feed it up and make sure its ok.
got the fish today. Tried to get one in the bag with my thumb for scale but it wasnt happening. Few pics i got of everyone




Stealth mode
wow...thats a beautiful fish :good:

what size tank will it eventually need then?
Since queen angels get larger than 1' in the wild, probably at LEAST an 8' tank longterm. The real trouble with keeping queen angels is that as they mature into the adult stages, they become VORACIOUS coralivores and will eat almost any coral in the tank...

Fish looks great Ben. I'll never forget first seeing a juvie on the reefs down in the keys. Hard to believe that turns into an adult queen coloration huh? :)

Edit, sure it's not an emperor or majestic juvie? They have similar coloration in the juvenile stage
yeah thanks ski, i have done a fair bit of research on it. Im pretty sure its a queen but not 100%
But i looked into diet and long term requiremnts though. I think its quite rare in the UK as all the ones i have seen for sale on the net get snapped up really quick. If i cant re-home it my lfs will swap it me. They have some big tanks and sell massive angels quite regular. They have a big 12" emperor in at the minute.
While its less than 1" it doesnt go anywhere near my chromis so its not doing any harm.
my fish arent scared of the net. I feed a fair bit of frozen and defrost it in a net so none of the liquid goes in the tank. So when the net goes in the water they all think they are getting fed and swim into the thing :)
gutted...really bad day today

woke up as normal and the first this i always do is go the tank. Wheres the dinky angel? nowhere to be seen. So i feed them like normal hoping it will come swimming along and no. Nothing.

Then a flash of blue catches my eye in the bottom cave on th right...its dead.
Rite strip the right side down and bag up the bdy for the fish shop. Take all the rocks out of the tank from the RHS, stiring up a sand storm. Now all the others are like ####???
The angel isnt there anymore :S So i turn over a few rocks and its there. So the powerheads must have moved it right? No! its alive, just very unhappy. I run round like a blue #### fly mix up a bucket of new water. get that up to temp. Test water. Try and get the rocks back in for the others.
I phone the LFS after getting my test results back, which were as normal, nitrate was a tad high though. They said i was best putting it in a breeding net so the others can't pick at it and not to stress it by moving it. Ok i put it in the spare bubble stop i have for my skimmer. So now its a waiting game i guess...

Its not gaspin for breath, colours are as bright as ever. Its just not swimming much. It can swim but its just laying there. When i netted it out to put it in the bubble stop it went a bit mad. I just dont know whats wrong with it??????

So now i want to get my nitrates as low as possible and for good, just for piece of mind. They are about 20 today. Changed a bit of water. But what can be done long term? Other tests are nil - indetectable.

Fish shop say they will sort me something out if it doesnt make it, but thats not the point. I really dont want to lose it. My tank looks crap now aswel

and all before 11 am :angry:
Oh Ben, so sorry - have any clues yet to what the problem might be?

Seffie x


we all don't seem to be doing so well at the moment do we :crazy:

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