Ben's Tank

No mate,Current tanks in like my little computer room thing, its going in the same place. Dont think mum would be too chuffed when im messing with the tank all the time in the living room.
Plus then she dont notice if i get something new and ask how much...
:lol: That's actually quite a good idea, hiding it away.

One drain though. You like things without fail safes presumably :unsure: I'd add a second myself, just in case the first blocks :good:

All the best
Ben you could drill a hole on the flat back bit near the top have a 2nd pipe going into the overflow!
OMG how did I miss all this going on :ninja: new tank, how exciting, have you started new journel and I've missed that too :blush: Gonna love watching this develope. :good:
I dont think it wil block tbh...if it does il have wet toes :) Its a big pipe and theres the weir comb so i owuld be very unlucky.
How brave are you drilling your own tank :nod: not in a million years would I try that :no:

SEffie x


ps and you lot with new tanks has made me start lookin :D ...............i keep telling myself, you can't afford it, but it doesn't seem to be workin :crazy:
How brave are you drilling your own tank :nod: not in a million years would I try that :no:

SEffie x


ps and you lot with new tanks has made me start lookin :D ...............i keep telling myself, you can't afford it, but it doesn't seem to be workin :crazy:

Drilling tanks is easy :D iv done umm..... too meny lol :D
Ok so it didnt go to plan...

I now owe my mum a new door frame and have loads of clearing up to do. We knew it would be tight so we took the two doors it was going through off. The first it went through easy...then the 2nd. Stuck half way. Wouldnt go back or forwards. So we drilled, sawed and chieseled half the door frame off. Anyway the tanks in place. It just took hours longer than expected.

There wont be pics for a while as its no where near complete. It looks good in the corner though :)
The tank. The stands a good 6" taller than the tank so we took that apart, that bit was easy. I think ill get away with just putting a new door fram on tbh.
Ok so it didnt go to plan...

I now owe my mum a new door frame and have loads of clearing up to do. We knew it would be tight so we took the two doors it was going through off. The first it went through easy...then the 2nd. Stuck half way. Wouldnt go back or forwards. So we drilled, sawed and chieseled half the door frame off. Anyway the tanks in place. It just took hours longer than expected.

There wont be pics for a while as its no where near complete. It looks good in the corner though :)

WoW your doors must be small! i manged to get it up and down stares thur my front door and thur my bed room door all i had to do is take my bed room door off as it was going behind it! but anyway! good luck with it all!!!!
Oh my word, bet there was quite a bit of blood, sweat and tears (plus a bit of swearing) going on in your house :crazy:

Seffie x

Jeeez Ben, The lengths we aquarists go to have an aquarium in our homes, Once upon a time these tanks were ment to be theraputic and I'm old enough to remember them being in Hospitals and Dentist surgeries. :lol:
Lets know when the doorframe's been fixed and normal transmission is resumed.

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