Wheres the fun in that though I have been keeping fish for a good few years and I cant remember ever having a tank where I can sit back, look at it and think to myself "thats finished". If I did I would have probably got bored of it within a few weeks
The look my brother gave me taking pics of a pump was priceless
Start from the RHS
Growing quite nicely it seems
Sort of 2.5 heads of duncans
This ate like a trooper. decided i like buying small to see if i can make a nice big coral in the future
Hammer and cat. more in the middle now. Just moved the cat, was bigger this morning
Dead central
Far Left
Pretty happy with the left. Theres a fair bit goin on now
* Yes that is a tang you can see! What in a 3' tank! Shes not mine, dont worry! Taking a holiday til she can cut it with the big boys in her propper tank *
Looking good . It is at these times when I wish I had a bigger tank; 24g just isn't enough once your in the grip of the marine world. Since selling a Zoa frag a couple of days back the velocity of the water has increased and hammer and fungia are really not enjoying it. Maybe time for a shift around me thinks. Is that (Euphyllia ancora) a wall hammer you have there? I love the Catalaphyllia centrally, hopefully more pictures in the future when it is open a little more?