i got a wrasse the other day! i cant get pics hes to quick. he is a red flasher wrasse. the top of him is red bottom is white and he has blue lines kinda like yours.
i'm in lovewith your Wrasse - a great video showing him displaying.
Seffie x
ps lovely Euphillia but doesn't look like a frogspawn to me
i got a wrasse the other day! i cant get pics hes to quick. he is a red flasher wrasse. the top of him is red bottom is white and he has blue lines kinda like yours.
They are really cool fish, very active, Mines always showing off aswel.
i'm in lovewith your Wrasse - a great video showing him displaying.
Seffie x
ps lovely Euphillia but doesn't look like a frogspawn to me
Thx Seffie, what do you think it is then?