thought it was time to show a bit of progress
This was hiw the tank was when i picked it up. was set up as a sump and not used. so i got it for a bargain emailed for a quote and to have it make with double base and bits and bobs i wanted - £650. So a treck down to Derby and £60 lighter

i came back with this
Anyway a few cut fingers and swearys later it was in my living room...Mum was not happy

It stayed there for about a week, just til the nagging grew unbareable. I collected a metal stand from my thought if i kept it at low level then id more more inclined to do maintainance. On one of my other tank id had it set up quite high, so had to get a step ladder out to reach anything in the bottom 1/3rd of the tank, not cool. So the stand was 2' high.
Stumbled accross another bargain in B&Q. 8 High gloss kitchen doors, end panels and handles. Are the doors 2' high? NOPE, they are 715mm . Do i trust my DIY skills with a jigsaw to cut them down to 2'? NOPE.
Raised the stanf up on some chunky wood lik so...
then boarded it out
made sure both sumps fit, there is one behind too. cant see it very well though, but theres access down both sides
yes they do need a clean
More plywood and polystyrene. then the big lift...i had cut teh baffles out at the point.
the silicone was half cleaned off the glass too, not as hard as i thought tbh. the old baffles fit perfectly to make a double base, we just lifted it while it was light. I also tested it for size/comfort
rturn pump, 12,000LPH commerical. flow from this is unreal
hopefully more done over this weekend.
Now its gym time