Ben's 400l Wet Thing

well ben since you have your mates corals frag some of them and keep them for your self save you a few ££££ and let them grow and if he askes just say one/two heads died then cut them of for you just so it looks nice again lol thats what i would do lol

regards scott
Lol, thats a good plan Scott! i already have a duncan and candy cane though :( il talk him into buying something different next time!
Ok seffie i tried...and failed. its a crap pic! i think the lights are too bright for my phone


Theres loads of growth tips now, The spot where it got damaged in transport arent very noticable now either. Its starting to go pink again too :D

Ive also added about 25 dove snails, so i may be over run soon :whistle:
Yep, your light is too bright for the phone to handle.

What phone is it and are there any light settings you can change??

If you are overrun with snails, I will always have a few off you.
hi ben

after your overruned with snail when they do stared to breed put some in the sump and send tina some your tank is comming on now
Thats the plan! loads of CUC to dish out. They guy i got them off started with 4, and sold 100 over the weekend. His tank was crawling with them!

Cheers btw Scott.

Tiger - its a sony ericsson cyber shot thingy. Supposed to take decent pics. The settings dont alter much though. I think that was especially bad cos i tried to zoom.
Just wondered Ben if there was a setting to change to fluorescent / incandescent etc. Try swapping between them if you are zooming.

If its a cybershot, its a smaller version of a sony camera, they are not too bad either. May be something you can tweak.
Oh wow, that is going to look awsome when it is covered in pink :drool:

I have ten dove snails in my tank, haven't seen any babies yet - but hopeful :good: and YF has two in his

Seffie x

My monti doesnt look too happy at the minute :( Only started yesturday afternoon. Everything has stayed the same as i tested. But some patches ahve gone a bit white.
Working a lot...hating my tank at the minute too :( Im still reading every now and again. il be back properly soon

how i wish id gone for a 4x2x2

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