Been offered a 30G but want to know what i can


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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To cut a long story short my next door neighbour offered me his redundant 36 X 12 X 18 tank today.

I have no idea i want in the tank but would be curious as to what fish i can keep in the tank that is a little more unusual... Or anything really from puffers to gobies to catfish. Just want to look at my options!

Please help, i know its just another stocking question but i need ur help!

-*-MicHAeL-*- said:
silver dollars are cool and unusual ( in my opinion)
Way to big...Plus they need to be kept in groups. You could keep a nice community with that tank...Maybe some dwarf cichlids or a nice school of barbs. What kind of fish are you interested in??...Do you want a community tank or a species tank...Its a fair sized tank so you have quite a few possibilites.

I've always wanted to see what would happen if I took a tank roughly that size and just stocked it with one large school of something small.

Like when my oscar gets his new home I'm so tempted to take his 37G tank and stick like 30 Neon Tetras in it just to see what it'd look like.
Sky042 said:
I've always wanted to see what would happen if I took a tank roughly that size and just stocked it with one large school of something small.

Like when my oscar gets his new home I'm so tempted to take his 37G tank and stick like 30 Neon Tetras in it just to see what it'd look like.
I've thought of that aswell...But i always wanted somin lik 100g + and stock it with nothing but clown barbs or a few hundred gold barbs.

Thanks for everyones replies.

The tank holds 30G, so its not too big but not too small. I am not too sure what fish i want in it but i tend to like the more unusual fish. I've just been trying to think of entire stocking lists, so i came up with a shoal of coryies of undecided type, a group of bumbleebee gobies and a shoal of hatchetfish with possibly a pair of rams. I've told my neighbour ill get back to him by later today so just exploring the options.

With regards what type of fish i like, i do like the more unusual fish, like gobies and leaf fish and elephantnoses, butterflyfish, puffers etc but i know that a 30G aint a great home for the majority of unusual/ predatory fish. I don't mind shoaling fish and i would want to fill the different layers in the tank. My only concern is if i get some predatory fish, it would rule out something like the shoal of cories so i really am open to interpretation. Just looking for suggestions from anyone, whether it be a particular fish they have kept and loved and would recommend or if anyone is willing to think about an entire stock list based on what i have said. I love gouramis, but have kept them before, i love catfish but 30G is not a great sized tank... I like most things, tetras, barbs so anyones who's willing to recommend or stock the tank will be gratefully received!


EDIT: Would pink kissing gouramis be unsuitable?

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