Ive had a quick flick through the thread - that looks like a juwel cabinet and probably not the best in the world to put a sump into, but it could be done, you will need to take out the internal walls and shelves and put in bracing bars of some sort. I am a real 'girl' when it comes to this sort of thing, im

to say (oh gawd, thats not to say that girls can't do this sort of thing, of course they can, I just choose not to

Ben is currently doing a great job on his cabinet for a new tank, hoepfully he will come along and help - if not, send him a pm, as you did with me
Re the skimmer - the deltec sort of screws on to the side with a grip hold and the pipes would go over the glass ridge.
Take a look at this and see if if would fit:

Seffie x