Basic Info

i have 1 hole in my tank but its recommended to have 2 just in case one gets blocked.
you can get most of your info from here
since i am just at the reasercing stage would it be posiable to convert my tank without a sump and what would i need to do to the tank in that case?
yes you can. i did it but its more hassle to do it like that. but all you have to do is clean your tank out. then mix your water in the tank and also heat it. after 24H and the water temp + sg is fine then buy your live rock. the after you scape it pour your sand in and wait for your tank to clear. takes a day. then after 24hours test the water
my tank has glass stips arround the top of the tank will that stop me getting a skimmer that hangs on the tank. or can these glass bits be removed?
ok i dont know if you can remove them but could you put a skimmer on the side? and cut the lid in the shape of the pipes for the skimmer?
my tank doesnt have a lid. didnt come with one. so that wouldnt be a prob
ok put it on the side and if you have the money buy a ati sun power unit.
not skimmer they are light units :good: a good skimmer would be a deltec mce 300
ok i will look them both up. do u have anyidea roughly how much they both sell for?
skimmer £130 maybe a tad more. ati units all have different sizes so hard to say but how long is your tank? i think 4 24W unit without tubes is £275
its roughly 3 and a half feet long cant rember exact off the top of my head
ok so that would be something to look into. it has 4 reflectors and a fan and a cover. so you dont have to clean the bulbs and reflectors. and with the t5s running cooler they produce more light. with this unit you could keep soft,lps and some sps corals. giving you a nice selection/choice of corals :good: also for cheap t5s get them from here

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