Thanks scott, had a great birthday
We have been through some ups and downs with this tank now, firstly with the fish aggression issues, then whitespot then worst of all an ammonia spike from the die off on the new LR we got.
The die off on the LR was the worst. not only did we have the initial ammonia spike to worry about but we have since had stupidly high phosphate and nitrate levels to contend with. Normally just doing a huge water change would have solved the problem but changing out 100g of saltwater is not an easy thing to do. Because of the high phosphate and nitrate almost all our corals barely opened, we had TONS of cyano and loads of hair algae.
A couple of months on though and we are doing much better. Phosphate and nitrate levels are still higher then I would like but are acceptable. Cyano has pretty much been beaten and the hair algae is gone except for a few tufts on the rocks here and there. The corals are opening up again though I think I have lost my trumpet corals and I did lose one of my big mushrooms. Also the main colony of my GSP hasn't opened fully for awhile (moved it last night though so will see how it goes, might just be flow issues as I changed the powerheads as well).
The X3 K4's are doing a great job for water movement but I still need to rescape a bit to get better water flow.
In terms of livestock there have been a few new additions over the last few weeks, these are:
2 more lyretail anthias
1 Black and White Perc Clown
1 spotted mandarin (we are culturing pods as well for the mandy and for another tank project we have in mind).
1 Coral Beauty.
That's probably going to be pretty much it for fish now. We do want a green clown goby and once the fish start reaching adult sizes we may add more depending on if the water quality remains high and if there are no aggression issues.
Thats pretty much it. We havent had much luck but after a fair amount of hardwork the tank is finally stable again now. We are not planning on adding any more corals for quiet awhile to make sure everything stays stable but I will get some new photos and videos of the tank in in current stage soon