Text update - Fish out of QT, new livestock and lots of algae.
Fish are all now back in the tank - Hasnt been 8 weeks yet but there where some serious aggression issues in the QT and I just didnt have space for 2 QT or a bigger QT. They are all looking healthy again though (except for the odd bit of missing fin from the fighting).
There has also been some new additions, 9 Blue-green reef chromis. I never really liked chromis to be honest but since getting them I can really see the appeal. They always shoal together and are always out whenever the lights are on. Adds a lot more movement and interest to the tank and their colours are really very pretty. The clownfish hates them but because there are so many she soon gets bored of trying to chase them.
I have finally got round to putting the other set of lights over the tank but im only using 6 tubes (to try and save electric mainly, plus I don't really have any high light demanding corals in there). I had to use one of my tubes for planted tanks (6500k) which I thought would look really rubbish but it actually works really well with the other tubes I have. I get some great colours as the lights come on in sequence going from blue to pink then to your standard marine colour temp.
I have some cheato in the sump now and getting some more phosban at the weekend. I have a fair amount of algae in the tank unfortunately but this is starting to die back now after the ammonia spike. The algae was bad before i added the planted tank tube to the lights and havent noticed any extra growth in it since then so think this will be ok.
Switching to the red sea coral pro salt was a good call. Much, much better than Instant Ocean which I was using before.
Corals are doing ok, all the leathers that came with the LR are opening well except one which will sometimes open and other times sulk. My metalic GSP is sulking at the moment after I moved a powerhead but should pick up in a day or two.
My zoas are the only ones im worried about as they are getting covered in algae. I keep cleaning them off but they arent as open as they used to be. I might move them to a lower light position to try to slow the algae growth.
Still haven't rescaped the tank yet. I think I will give everything a chance to settle a bit and then go to work on it in a month or two before I add anymore livestock. Going to go with drilling and acrylic rods.
I have added cheato to the sump as well and have it lit on a reverse cycle.
Major things I need to do now are:
- Build/buy a bigger skimmer (a nano skimmer on a 150g tank just doesnt work to well
- Set my ATU up properly and plumb the RO unit in directly to the RO reserve bottle (trying to talk Lyn into letting me drill more holes through the walls
- Get some phosban and nitrate remover to sort out the algae.
- Get some better water movement - I have tons of small powerheads in there at the moment which isnt the most efficient way of doing things. Cant really afford a large wavebox or similar at the moment but with the way the tank eats electricity it would probably pay for itself within a month anyway (thats my excuse anyway
- Build a hood to cover the seriously loud overflow and hold the lights (still resting on a couple of bits of wood!).
- Rescape the tank - I REALLY want to get this done but everytime I think about doing it I think how much of a PITA its going to be.
- Start some pod cultures - I dont seem to have much pod life in the tank right now so I want to give it a jump start. I'm going to start culturing pods and rots after reading about the many of you doing it on here.
With regards to more livestock, I really want to get two more anthias but I'm worried about them getting on with the one that is already in there. I think Im going to give it a try though and will just have to be prepared to
move them on if it doesnt work. If I get two more smaller females hopefully it will be ok.
Other than that we just need a lot more CUC right now (no more hermits, going for lots of snails). My astrea snails seem to be breeding a lot as well (there are at least 3 batches of baby snails in there ranging in size from about 5mm to 1.5cm).
Sorry for the long text only post, we will hopefully have internet back at the new house within a week so then I can stop droning on so much and start posting lots of photos again

will try and get some photos tonight and see if I can upload them tomorrow.