Bacteria in a bottle

Good afternoon,
Please find below a reply for HARS written by one of our French Canadian scientists.
I have copied it word for word so that I do nor miss interpret.
Bacteria, and other unicellular organisms, develop the resistance form like spore or cyst to withstand environmental variations. This is why species like Bacillus can live hundreds of years sporulated until favorable conditions comes back. This dormancy is expressed to some degree in all bacteria in the environment (excluding some pathogenic strains which are obligatory parasite and other very specialized organisms). So, what is found in Cycle is not vegetative bacteria, growing and thriving, but dormant one. They will begin to divide once more when nitrogen, ammonia or nitrite, will be present in sufficient concentration. Dormancy cannot be compared to an egg, with a set time to hatch. They are more like weed seeds, they wait until favorable conditions are present to start growing. In this period, metabolic activity is either very low or absent. Once back into favorable conditions the bacteria, depending of it species, will initiate vegetative growth and metabolic activity in a matter of hours/day
(referred as Lag time).

Kind regards
Customer Services wrote:
:p Just as I thought........gobildigook! Sounds very convincing, though I still won't use the stuff. ;) Mac.
In english it suppose to do what it claims to do. R-
Bassicly what it says is the stuff doesn't go bad/off as it's constantly dormant. It wakes up and starts to work when the correct conditions are met. So if you use the stuff your nitrogen levels have to withing the paramenters they've engineered this thing to start working at. in other words if it your water aint got the conent that theres has it won't work.
I am told by their PR agent that they sell around 1M gallons of the stuff internationally per day! That's an awlful lot of poo around. :laugh: :laugh:
It would be intresting to see what a expert on Bacteria would say on this. It sound good enough to be true But half truths dont allways make the whole. Its true that some Bacteria do go into Hibernation as any Food Hygene course will point out but these are the nasty Germs that can Kill. So any good Chemists or Micro Bioligists out there.(Sorry for the typos but cant be bothered to get the typo check out).
Cycle and similar products have killed billions of fish worldwide. Uninformed and ill advised consumers pour hundreds of thousands of gallons of this meek brew into unestablished tanks and assume any and all water conditions will be remedied. New tanks are overstocked and fish die.
Using Cycle without proper water changes is akin to the gas chamber and Hagan to further the analogy, would qualify as the Third Reich.
True. if they printed clear instructions on the things it might help a bit but as these things tend not to work unless you have the correct water conditions for them anyway it's all a waste of time.
Ture Micheal. There should be a customer thingie that makes Hagen state clearer instructions on the use of this product. The same goes for easy balance which clames that when adding the product you dont need to do maintance for 6 months. Another product are these proper ph and ph balancers, most of them are riddled with phosphate, they kill all you plants. But it never says that on the bottle ;)
Please correct me if I'm wrong (which most probably is the case) but I thought that the bacteria needed in an aquarium grows not only in the filter, but on the ornaments, substrate, sides and anything else, but cannot survive in the water alone. Therefore, using old tank water to cycle a new tank won't help that much, but using ornaments or substrate will be much more affective. :what:
Thats was my thinking to once. But a lot the bacteria gets dragged out of the filter media and in the water so it's usually fresh. Plus if you were to raw water into a tank it would kill half the bacteria on the orniments.
The best way would be to do both ;)

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