Bacteria in a bottle

Ladies and Gentlemen, watch this space for an official reply.
I have e-mailed Rolf C Hagen Labs today, and put forward our concerns regarding the bacteria in a bottle scenereo. I am awaiting their official reply. As soon as I get it I will post it in this thread.
Hope you were diplomatic m8. he's on my list for freebies. ;)
Adeyc, you know me, would I be anything else? You're talking to the number 1 "crap" talker there is. Diplomatic and say a lot without giving anything away. Is that the way? :thumbs:
Should have been a politician. :laugh: :laugh:
It seems we're all in agreement that they don't work. I'm in favour of the Fishless cycle with my 300L tank cycled in 11 days and fully stocked by end of 2 months. I don't like using any Chemicals in my tanks if i can help it though i know thats not allways possible. Hope you get a answer soon from hagen.
Hi All,
It does a body good to see his "first" topic post after arriving being so well discussed and debated. :D :D :D

Davy or DragS. Im on their press list so if you don't get a reply by next weekend let me know and I'll sort it all out.
Davy~ Add youre working for ACPProductions(even part time) most companies can check my press credentials easily enough. ;)
Interesting letter from Anna, I live just down the road from her in Essex and have the same problem, PH<8.5 GH<23 KH<14
I got the PH down to 7.5 but cant do anything else with the other two.
My LFS sells distilled water in 10 gallon containers but this seems prohibitive, unless you happen to be Charles Atlas.
(What happened to him)
Isn't he adeyc's mate hussarman, whilst he supports the world,adeyc dominates it. They make a lovely couple. :laugh:
Davy as to the letter, this was done directly by e-mail onto their "contact us" website. Basically what I wrote to them was would they be able to explain to me how they could support living bacteria in a sealed bottle. Their claim was that there was at least 500 billion friendly bacteria in every capful. What I wanted to know was how did the bacteria survive. I referred to the Nutrafin, Cycle product number that I had and I was extremely polite about it, and I ended the mail, I look forward to your response. That's about it. I didn't go into the debate we had on this forum about it, just that "I" wanted to know. That way I've not stepped on anyones toes.
:) I'd be very interested in the reply, no doubt it will be full of scientific gobildigook! Anytime I start a new tank I use a twin sponge filter, taking two mature sponges from another two tanks and 50% of the water. Hey presto......... instant mature tank. :thumbs: Mac.
Good morning, many thanks for your email.
We have passed your email onto our HARS, Hagen Aquatic Research Station as you seem to be in the chair for this debate, we better get the correct answer for you.

Kind regards
Customer Services wrote:

Received this acknowledgement today-watch this space.

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