Baby Rotkeil Serverum Diary. Hatched 4/3/10

Glad to hear they are doing well, obviously now I have Vinny coming, Im not gonna have room for one of these chaps, unless I invest in another tank :hey: which is always a possibilty :D
I think you are going to end up with another tank lol.

Sorry to those waiting for pics, I have the camera but all I am getting is blurry blobs and what I have taken for some reason will not upload on here the pics need re-sizing and no matter what I try it just isnt working. Will try again when they are a little bigger.
Getting photos of Fry is hard. I have gotten some good ones of my cory fry but it took like 30 shots to get a good photo got to love digital cameras.

Nice to hear they are doing well. Good job.
All remaining fry are doing great, slowly starting to change shape now getting deeper in the body and growing quite quickly now I think they are going to have to go in a bigger tank in the next couple of weeks!
Glad to hear they are doing well, cant wait to see them :)

How is the second batch doing in the main tank? Did the eggs survive?
This is the 3rd batch since I removed the eggs, the second Jethro got, this batch seem to be doing ok, few eggs left this morning but they are moving I am really shocked the parents have kept them this long, but I very much doubt they will raise them much further, not holing out a lot of hope, but its all good practice for when they get moved and should hopefully raise a batch on their own.
So I nipped over to star4's today (stayed for hours, sorry guys if I got in the way of the tank moves :blush: ) and took some photos of the fry, teeny little chaps, but hopefully these pics will be good enough to show them off a bit.







Such sweet little faces.

Oh and Wills if you read this, Bailey looks fantastic :good:
Oh and Wills if you read this, Bailey looks fantastic :good:

Haha I knew she would be in a good place with star :) The fry are cool cant wait to see how they grow up :D
Minxy, thanks for all your help today, and a special thanks to little man for keeping my pair out of the way and under control (ish) have just been upstairs, remember the little one came past with half a toilet roll! the rest is in the bathroom, my bedroom and all over their bedroom, they have had a wonderful time, little one cried because his BEST friend left lol. Tell little man Seymour is now patroling the 180 the fronts and some the ellioti are now in the 300. Seymour is not fussed with the little Ellioti he is too busy flashing off to me lol, Brasillies also got their colour now and look absolutely fantastic, thank you so much again for your help and the fish and for taking brill pics of the babies, I forgot to ask you to snap Bailey for Wills so maybe next time you can.
Minxy, thanks for all your help today, and a special thanks to little man for keeping my pair out of the way and under control (ish) have just been upstairs, remember the little one came past with half a toilet roll! the rest is in the bathroom, my bedroom and all over their bedroom, they have had a wonderful time, little one cried because his BEST friend left lol. Tell little man Seymour is now patroling the 180 the fronts and some the ellioti are now in the 300. Seymour is not fussed with the little Ellioti he is too busy flashing off to me lol, Brasillies also got their colour now and look absolutely fantastic, thank you so much again for your help and the fish and for taking brill pics of the babies, I forgot to ask you to snap Bailey for Wills so maybe next time you can.

Your welcome, though Im sure we were more of a hindrance, rather than help.

I will get a snap of Bailey next time Im over and more of the rotties as they grow. Just finished sorting all three tanks out, Vinny is now happily in HIS tank :rolleyes:
No hun you were a great help, even though you kept telling me no more gravel, put some more in when you left :p lol. Now I can move the little sevs into the tank next door in a couple of weeks, give the little sprouts some more room to grow.
Little ones still doing well, its great having the pics Minxy too, I can actually see differences now, looking every day I know they are growing, but looking at the pics from last week I can see they are slowly starting to change shape, getting slightly deeper in the body now.
Got a couple with stripes appearing, only trouble is at this age they look just like baby convicts :hyper:

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