Baby Rotkeil Serverum Diary. Hatched 4/3/10

You're just one big Rotkeil factory Star4!

I wonder how many batches you'll end up getting over the years :)
If I had enough tanks and room batch 2 would have been batch 4, they (or rather Jethro) have eaten 3 batches since I hatched the first lot, but I think one batch a month is enough for now lol. I am hoping to have my other 400l tank running soon so I can move the pair, or move all the other fish as these 2 have picked their spot to spawn and am worried if I move them they stop (dont know on this one), but thats all on hold until the dog is better.
Batch 1 are looking so unbelievably cute! really exploring the new tank and glad to say all seem to be eating ok too.

Batch 2 have tails already wiggling away already.
Out of approximately 200 eggs, I am guessing there is around 150 left, all a wriggling away, got 5 have left the rock and are wiggling round the tank, I forgot what a pain it is doing daily waterchanges using an airline and dripping the fresh water in so not to disturb the fry. Fingers crossed I do a little better than my first attemp still really pleased with 30 for my first go, 50 would be great this time, any over 50 and I will be dancing lol
if minx would be so kind on her travels to bring some back to me i would gladly take a few rotkeils and convicts off you ;)
I am hoping all the convicts are gone before the rotkeils are ready to go, I will be needing their tank lol.
if minx would be so kind on her travels to bring some back to me i would gladly take a few rotkeils and convicts off you ;)

I think your over leicester way arent you? Unfortunately I dont go that far, sorry mate :)
Yeah, I was interested in your Oscars, but your just too far out for me to get to :( Unless we could meet half way of course?
Sorry all the convicts have now gone.

Batch 1 doing great, I am hoping my lovely visitor I had today will post some pictures of mum and dad and the babies.

Batch 2 have started leaving the rock and are exploring the tank, its so sweet watching them take their first swim and crashing to the bottom upside down, then righting themselves and trying again. My hubby thinks I am completely nuts because each time I see one take its first swim I am saying "go one little on you can do it".

I dont know if its because I am using a different set up but this batch seem to be lots more adventurous than the first lot, no sprinkling of gravel to hide in this time.
Pics, pics, pics, pics!
LOL Its not up to me the pics.

Batch one really starting to look like propper mini sevs now, really got their sev shape and stripes, eating really well.

Batch 2 after the excitement of all the eggs hatching (except the expected white ones) now is the sad few days where the weaker ones seem to die off, Luckily though this time, fingers crossed I am taking out very few that havnt made it. Egg sacks are now all depleted and they are starting to take the finely crushed flake (powdered).

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