baby bettas


Fish Crazy
Oct 23, 2004
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hi all
ive been putting some microworms in for my baby bettas for 4 days now and i have never seen any of them eat them and they look to big for them to eat.
does anyone else feed there betta fry mw and raise fry to become big i have bbs eggs and ill start hatching them when the fry are a week old and still give mw but if they cant mw then i dont spose they will be able to eat bbs
hmmm what to do
Hi Betta CT,

I personally don't have any experience with feeding MWs. But I always start feeding artemia 3-4 days after hatching. To my experience most fry will eat this without any problems after 5-6 days.
Because I use plants in my spawning tank there is always some food (infusoria) present there for the first days.
For more info about my spawning method:, click on the breeding section.

Good luck!

Many greetings from the Netherlands,

You'll be amazed at the size of worm a tiny betta can eat. The mw's look twice the size of baby bettas! But they slurp em up like spaghetti if you watch close enough :look:

BBS is good because it goes all over the tank and on the surface towards the light. This way everybody gets to feed,no matter what level they're on :thumbs:
Vinegar eels are also good because they don't sink, but stay in the water column as they can survuve in water for a day or so :thumbs: So the fry are likely to see them. :)
All of the above.. :D I feed in this order ...wk 1 Infusoria/VE's ...VE's/MW...
wk2. ..MW"s/BBS.. on wk 4...BBS/frozen/flake... on wk 8...Frozen/Flakes
Yep, I'm pretty much the same as Fisher and the others...all of the above for my guys and gals. Although I get them on BBS a bit faster than Fisher, usually by the time they're a week old, but then they're getting the infusoria (which is just naturally in the tank, so they can stop on that anytime they want), VE's, MW's and BBS. A nice variety, so they should get all the nutrition they need and have a variety of sizes and locations to find food, as baby fish need to basically be eating all the time.


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