

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2005
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I have around 14 baby zebra danios im my tank this morning. ive caught most of them and put them in a clear bag which is hanging in the tank. do i just feed them flake?? what can i do to give them the best chance of survival?? should i set them free in the tank?? :fun:
i think its personal choice really. if your tank has lots of hiding places then they should be ok free. i tend to put mine in a breeding net til they are a fair size.

although found a plattie baby in my tank last night must have been hiding for a while as its a pretty big size!

you can buy smaller flake food or try some small live foods.
Zebra Danios are egglayers not livebearers. It is, of course, possible you Danios have spawned and some of the eggs escaped predation. If so, when they hatch, the fry will feed from their egg sacks for several days before they become free swimming. If they have still avoided predation, they will need fine food, Liquifry or similar, or you can of course culture your own infusoria to feed them.

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