Avoiding And Treating New Tank Syndrome

You can start a cycle (and indeed do a cycle) without a heater, but it will be much slower.

Are you going to be doing a proper fishless cycle, with ammonia? If you are, it will take more than a couple of weeks, I'm afraid.

Your only other option is a fish-in cycle, which will be a lot of hard work for you and dangerous, or even lethal, to your fish (that's why we always recommend fishless cycles on this forum).
Thanks fluttermoth, I did expect someone to say that if I'm honest.

I really do not want to do a fish-in cycle... Fish shouldn't have to suffer because of my impatience! I initially was planning on following the step by step guide from the Interpet new aquarium start up kit to cycle my tank but since reading about the ammonia and fishless cycling articles in the beginners forums, I'm not holding out much hope of any success. (there was me thinking I had done plenty of reading up!) They claim I can add fish in a week, but without the ammonia to kick start the bacteria (and no mature filter donations as of yet) I am doubtful - I am sure I will have to wait a bit longer.

Starting to think I should just start again with some ammonia once my heater arrives and do it the longer (but hopefully more beneficial) way in the long run?

It's so difficult being out of the hobby for 4 years since starting uni, to come back and remember that you should not trust the man at the LFS who once sold you the angelfish and the neon tetras at the same time to go in an already well-stocked 60l tank... Needless to say Angel was rather stuffed following his banquet the next day!
I would get some ammonia and start from there as well. It's the best way.

You can spend the time while you're doing it catching up on all the new developments in fishkeeping! There's been a massive upsurge of information in the last few years; it's most exciting and means we all have much happier, healthier, longer-living fish than we ever did in the past :D
When you're ready, start your own fishless cycle thread, and you'll get loads of help and support from the members here :good:

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