Play-Sand As Substrate, Safe Or Not?

About the sand compacting-if you have something like Malaysian Trumpet Snails or Rabbit Snails they disturb the sand themselves.
However Malaysian Trumpet Snails multiply fast, and some big Rabbit Snails can accidentally uproot plants and I am assuming decor.
Its not about snails, the brand of the play sand I am using is “Sakrete” is that safe? 😃
You live in Jjs, so who knows?
Maybe you have giant fish eating sand worms that poop in the sand, and chemical industries all around. What you are dealing with as sand can depend on your location. Sand is put in bags with labels on it, and isn't usually transported huge distances. If it says play sand, it should be good. If it's to be added to concrete, I'd be skeptical of how 'just sand' it is.

I don't get the compacting thing. I also find mts to be the rats and roaches of aquariums. They serve no purpose for us, just for themselves. They just live their lives, breed like crazy and die buried in your substrate, where they release ammonia. I have a plastic stick and every now and then, I take 5 minutes and do some raking with it. Sand is easy to manage.

The big issue with any substrate is what it does to the mineral content of your water. I have found a couple of local sources that are chemically neutral and that don't harden my very soft water, which I want to stay soft.
I use, SAKRETE PLAY SAND, is that fine?
According to their website, Sakrete is not aquarium safe.

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