are my eels eating?


This shrimp is so good it needs to be seen in wide
Sep 16, 2003
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I'm curretly worried if my eels are actually eating what I give them. Its 1 spiny eel (peacock) and 4 kulhii loaches. I have never seen them actually eat anything I have given them (I feed them defrosted bloodworms and i have owned them for about a week). Do some eels only like live brine shrimp or live bloodworms? or do they only eat when im sleeping or out of the house? I notice a little is gone when i check, but that could just be the food deteriating. help is thanked in advance.
Yes most eels do eat at night, but keep an eye out on the eels health cause some youger eels just won't eat and if this is the case try as many live food as u can just to fatten him up and then go back to the normal food.

PS: i have lost a peacock eel because it never ate :'( and i even placed him in a hospital tank and fed him many types of foods and yet in the end.... :-(
my spiny eel will eat NOTHING except live brine, I've tried many different things. I have to hold a brine net with lots of live brine in it and he comes to the top,gets in the net and chows down, it's a morning ritual :rolleyes:
I've heard they'll eat chopped earthworms too :sick:
ooops, one more thing.....I have kuhlis in another tank and I've NEVER seen them eat, but I've had them for months and they seem fine so I'm sure they munch on something sometimes

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