Are Bbs Essential For Fry?


Jun 6, 2005
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British Columbia - Canada
I'm getting a microworm i have to do bbs?
Don't worry guys...i don't even have the female to breed yet...i'm just REALLY doing my research and planning ahead.
Microworms are good, but BBS is best. It's absolutely the most wonderful food for growing the best, healthiest fry, hands down.
I suppose it's not *essential* since I've heard of a few breeders who don't use it, but I personally swear by it and devote countless hours during the first month of the fry's lives to hatching it just because I think it's so good for them.

The biggest reason (aside from it's nutrients) that I swear by it is because little fry don't really hunt unless it's right in their face. Microwoms sink and the only fry who find them are those who hang out on the bottom, but a LOT of fry hang out at the water surface and the bbs finds them.
Ok, thanks wuv...i knew you'd give me the best info
oh...wanna see the girl i chose for kaden?
MG F7 pg 2
and Gold F1 pg. 4
but i'm gonna breed him with F7...i got the gold just in case
Beautiful girls, that's the first time I've looked through that site in a long time :hey: I think you've made very good choices.
Synirr would know, I know she tried that. I would guess that if you can manage to get them to eat non-moving things, you could get them to eat the eggs at a fairly young age. Maybe two weeks'ish at my best guess.
Mine wouldn't eat the decapsulated eggs until 3-4 weeks... that's the first time they realised that food doesn't always have to be moving :nod:
That's how old mine are before they'll even consider touching anything that doesn't move, and by then I'm forcing chopped bw's and adult brine on them so....I guess there's no point in feeding them eggs besides the occasional treat....or just for something different. Mine are cut off of BBS at four weeks, period. No matter how much they looove it.
4 week, that's good info. Thanks wuv. I'm getting my bbs eggs ordered hopefully next friday, my girls should be here by monday and i've got a guy who's running bbs hatcheries constantly that's willing to help me start. So looks like i'm good to go. Tomorrow i'm going down to the laundry room to clear it out and it's going to be my betta breeding room... it's got a nice big sink that will help with water changes and with all the laundry that goes on, the room is nice and warm...and it's got a linoleum floor so it's easy to clean.
Can you tell i'm excited! I've been doing tons of research and i'm feeling pretty confident, especially with all the help here!
I would be concerned about soap getting into the water. If you smell it in the air, it's probably gonna get in the water through the airline.

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