Gary is right mostly Malawi, I think Mbunas but I can see a Midas or Midevil Cichlid in the middle and I think I see a Green Terror at the back?
Really good news on the tank though I wouldnt worry about 40cm vs 45cm, I wonder if 45cm is the width of a standard US tank? I think I've seen reference to SF using standard tank sizes for things like this rather than an actual requirement.
I'd probably say you have some space in there to add something new if you wanted too as well not sure what to suggest though... some of the fish are too small for a feature fish like a cichlid (which is my go to) but you could look at doing a big school of a small species as an extra feature to the tank. Like a big school of Galaxy Rasboras or Emerald Rasboras 15-20 of them?
Looking forward to seeing you get this set up!
Thank you so much! You helped me so much when I was struggling hard to scape this tank, I felt bad when I decided so soon that it had to go, lol! But it'll be better for the fish, and I think the scape options will be so much better in a longer tank anyhow
You're right, 40 vs 45 cms width shouldn't be a big deal and I'm overthinking it. The main thing is that they're not one of the plecos that get huge, so they shouldn't be cramped in a 120 by 40, and they have plenty of water volume. The American standard sized tank being what they use makes total sense too! I forget that there are some differences in US to UK aquariums. I wish the 20g long tank that's so available there was available around here more. Good for beginners, and would have worked well for my pygmy colony.
As for future upper levels stocking, I'm not worried about centrepiece fish or large ones like angels. I'm thinking about possibly the red neons (psuedomugli luminatus) going in there? Especially if I can get them to breed and raise the fry... long term dream, after the tetra and livebearers go, I'm thinking about maybe group of the red neons and a group of the celebes rainbows flitting about the top levels, while the cories bumble about below... I liked both when I saw them in the store tanks the other week, and even more when I saw them together in their gorgeous display tank together and he said they can live together! Since I was also able to get some luminatus from that hobbyist friend in trade, seems like it's meant to be, maybe!