Aquael Reefmax

56Jman you are hijacking Corydoralovers journal. If you want lights, go read up on them. Type the brand etc into google and find what people say about them. Please don't just ask the same questions repeatedly when an easy answer can be found. Most of us have not had these lights and have no experience or knowledge of them. If you know someone who does I'd say to PM them so it isn't spamming on someones page.


Flasher wrasses are awesome! I have no experience with this species of wrasse, but after reading about them seems there are a few that will fit in 30 gallons =). Very pretty.

CUC can be a variety of things. A lot of people like to get a few hermits (usually same type), and a hand full of snails (turbo, cerith, nassarius, Astreas, banded trochus). I have about 13 snails, and 5 hermits. I need a few more snails though.

Sorry I am very young with many questions to be asked, sorry for hijacking :).

I will do research by myself now :(.

Mixed emotions :(:):(:):(:):(:):(:)
Dont get nassa snails! They are carnivores and eat other snails! I wanted a carpenters flasher wrasse but dont have a big enough tank :sad: put the Yasha Haze with a pistol shrimp. Add the clowns last, they are very territorial if added first.
I have decided to stop asking questions by not posting and get off your backs. I feel unwanted :sad:..... I will instead post toward the end of the summer to show my progress...............

Stay sharp and have a great summer :cool:

Have a good one :good:

See y'all later :sad:
I have decided to stop asking questions by not posting and get off your backs. I feel unwanted :sad:..... I will instead post toward the end of the summer to show my progress...............

Stay sharp and have a great summer :cool:

Have a good one :good:

See y'all later :sad:

Jared, It is not that I do not want you. I really do. I/we want you to learn and enjoy the hobby. You simply need to do some of your own research. Most of the questions you are asking can be found by doing some simple searches. It just feels like you post a lot of questions before actually trying to find it. It is good to use questions as last resorts or to clear up answers, but you also are asking questions about DIY LED's which most of us have not done, or DIY rock which I ended up posting links to you for. I understand you are young, and I am just wanting to educate you. Take your time, read up on things you have questions about, and ask when needed =).

Sorry Coryydoralover.

I have only seen my nassarius snail eat dead snails.... I have never seen them attack anything, and they typically stay on the gravel/sand. They also bury themselves every night sifting the sand. Its great!

Thanks guys :)

Nope we don't want to see you go.

I started keeping fish the same age as you did. :) I wish I had a forum back then, but when I started, there was no Internet... OMG!!!!! We read books, kept Undergravel filters :eek: & had to walk uphill both ways to get to the local fish store. We even used incadescent bulbs for lighting a tank! Oh no!!! It's a wonder I survived, isn't it?

There was the occasional dodging of velociraptors as well... A dangerous time for sure...

hey guys ive got an update
new fish:
citron goby
neon velvet damsel
blueheaded wrasse
new coral:

ive just had an idea about nems, bta's specifically but im not sure any advice?
ive just had an idea about nems, bta's specifically but im not sure any advice?

If I calculated right from the dimensions, this is a 108L tank?

BTAs get big and wander, so they are not great in small spaces. I have one in my 4ft-long 55gal US (around ~200L); it's not even very big yet for a BTA and is already pretty massively limiting as far as what corals I can put where without risk of things being toasted. You would also need to keep your intakes covered or protect them with fine mesh in some way to avoid waking up to a tank full of anemone soup one morning. There is no safe point at which you can assume an anemone won't suddenly pick up and wander into a pump intake, so people who run tanks with anemones and exposed intakes are not running risk-free. The intake protection decreases flow and requires regular maintenance to avoid really reduced flow.

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